1、after the breeze, it shows more lofty and steep spirit as if it tells the people about the history of the thousand temples.───但每阵风过后,它那婆娑的风姿越发显得峥嵘,像似向人们诉说着这座千年古刹的沧桑历史。
2、What are the thousand things we’ve done wrong that we need to avoid in the future?───我们做错的事太多了,在以后的日子里我们应该避免哪些错事发生呢?
3、finally he said the number 2 is sitting in the thousand's place.───最后他说2是在千位数上的数字。
4、and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to : 'tis consummation.───如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和RouTi所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。
5、thousand liveried angels—begin to cast their beam on the virgin's outward shape—that's her body, the temple that houses her virginal mind.───上万个穿着制服的天使——开始将他们的光束投射到ChuNv的外形上——那是她们的身体,那是容纳她们纯洁心灵的圣殿。
6、I built the thousand dollars into my sales forecast, but I hated it when they called.───这项服务预计有几千美元营收,可是他们电话呼我的时候我总是比较不喜欢。
7、And of the thousand seven hundred seventy and five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters, and filleted them.───用那一千七百七十五舍客勒银子作柱子上的钩子,包裹柱顶并柱子上的杆子。
8、After finishing reading The Thousand and One Nights, I found a funny but shocking sentence in it.───当我读完《天方夜谭》时,我发现了一个有趣但却有点令人震动的句子。
9、When the train started off, he took down his valise and extracted, after some hesitation, the first volume of The Thousand and One Nights.───列车起动后,他打开箱子,犹豫一下之后,取出《一千零一夜》的第一册。
the thousand(英语使用场景)
1、But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto?
2、The thousand and one emporiums patch and prink us.
3、The cement is sold by the thousand.
4、If you pay the gang the thousand pounds, they'll only lean on you for more.
5、Our candidate will rake in votes by the thousand.
6、We sell ice - creams by the thousand in the summer.
7、This product was sold by the thousand.
8、In a few minutes, the thousand hands of the crowd had seized and carried off two hundred and thirty guns, nearly all double-barrelled, sixty-four swords, and eighty-three pistols.
the thousand(意思翻译)
the thousand(相似词语短语)
1、thousand million───亿
2、thousand years───千年
3、three thousand───三千
4、five thousand───五千
5、thirty thousand───三万
7、sixty thousand───六万
8、thousand days───千日
9、thousand oaks───千橡市(美国加利福尼亚州南部城市)
the thousand(双语使用场景)
1、after the breeze, it shows more lofty and steep spirit as if it tells the people about the history of the thousand temples.───但每阵风过后,它那婆娑的风姿越发显得峥嵘,像似向人们诉说着这座千年古刹的沧桑历史。
2、What are the thousand things we’ve done wrong that we need to avoid in the future?───我们做错的事太多了,在以后的日子里我们应该避免哪些错事发生呢?
3、finally he said the number 2 is sitting in the thousand's place.───最后他说2是在千位数上的数字。
4、and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to : 'tis consummation.───如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和RouTi所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。
5、thousand liveried angels—begin to cast their beam on the virgin's outward shape—that's her body, the temple that houses her virginal mind.───上万个穿着制服的天使——开始将他们的光束投射到ChuNv的外形上——那是她们的身体,那是容纳她们纯洁心灵的圣殿。
6、I built the thousand dollars into my sales forecast, but I hated it when they called.───这项服务预计有几千美元营收,可是他们电话呼我的时候我总是比较不喜欢。
7、And of the thousand seven hundred seventy and five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters, and filleted them.───用那一千七百七十五舍客勒银子作柱子上的钩子,包裹柱顶并柱子上的杆子。
8、After finishing reading The Thousand and One Nights, I found a funny but shocking sentence in it.───当我读完《天方夜谭》时,我发现了一个有趣但却有点令人震动的句子。
9、When the train started off, he took down his valise and extracted, after some hesitation, the first volume of The Thousand and One Nights.───列车起动后,他打开箱子,犹豫一下之后,取出《一千零一夜》的第一册。
the thousand(英语使用场景)
1、But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto?
2、The thousand and one emporiums patch and prink us.
3、The cement is sold by the thousand.
4、If you pay the gang the thousand pounds, they'll only lean on you for more.
5、Our candidate will rake in votes by the thousand.
6、We sell ice - creams by the thousand in the summer.
7、This product was sold by the thousand.
8、In a few minutes, the thousand hands of the crowd had seized and carried off two hundred and thirty guns, nearly all double-barrelled, sixty-four swords, and eighty-three pistols.
9、These telephones have sold by the thousand.