1、Do not back up the following directories and drives when you create either Windows backup sets or full computer backup sets.───在创建Windows备份集或完整计算机备份集时,请不要备份下列目录和驱动器。
2、They would not come back up.───不过它们肯定弹不回来了。
3、If you do not back up the log frequently enough, the transaction log can expand until it runs out of disk space.───如果不经常备份日志,则事务日志可能会展开直到占满磁盘空间。
4、Due to the reasons for the airline passenger's class change, ticketed through the difference between less and more do not back up.───因航空公司的原因,旅客的舱位等级变更时,票款的差额多退少不补。
5、if you do not back up the log frequently enough , the log files can fill up.───即使不经常备份日志,日志文件也会填满。
6、For this reason, do not back up Exchange data when you create Windows or full computer backup sets.───因此,在创建Windows备份集或完整计算机备份集时,不要备份Exchange数据。
7、When you meet danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.───当你在海外遭遇危险,不要放弃!请记住,在你身后有一个强大的祖国!
8、It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.───我们在很多方面都被延误了,不知道需要多久才能赶上。
9、I save documents I've created but I cannot chose where they are saved. I do not back-up my files.───我虽然会保存已建的文件,但是我不会选择它们保存的位置。我不会对自己的文件进行备份。
not back up(意思翻译)
not back up(相似词语短语)
1、back up lp───备用lp
2、not back───不回来了
3、back sb up───支持某人
4、back this up───支持这个
5、back up into───后退到
6、competently back-up───胜任后备
7、back up───v.支持,援助;(资料)备份;DaoTui;裱;堵车;vi.<篮球>协防,补防; 支持; 堵塞; 复制; 往后退
8、not up───[体]两跳;还击前球着地两次
9、come back up───回来吧
not back up(双语使用场景)
1、Do not back up the following directories and drives when you create either Windows backup sets or full computer backup sets.───在创建Windows备份集或完整计算机备份集时,请不要备份下列目录和驱动器。
2、They would not come back up.───不过它们肯定弹不回来了。
3、If you do not back up the log frequently enough, the transaction log can expand until it runs out of disk space.───如果不经常备份日志,则事务日志可能会展开直到占满磁盘空间。
4、Due to the reasons for the airline passenger's class change, ticketed through the difference between less and more do not back up.───因航空公司的原因,旅客的舱位等级变更时,票款的差额多退少不补。
5、if you do not back up the log frequently enough , the log files can fill up.───即使不经常备份日志,日志文件也会填满。
6、For this reason, do not back up Exchange data when you create Windows or full computer backup sets.───因此,在创建Windows备份集或完整计算机备份集时,不要备份Exchange数据。
7、When you meet danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.───当你在海外遭遇危险,不要放弃!请记住,在你身后有一个强大的祖国!
8、It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.───我们在很多方面都被延误了,不知道需要多久才能赶上。
9、I save documents I've created but I cannot chose where they are saved. I do not back-up my files.───我虽然会保存已建的文件,但是我不会选择它们保存的位置。我不会对自己的文件进行备份。