1、The sentinel lymph node(SLN)is defined as the lymph node(s) that first receives lymphatic drainage from the site of the primary tumor.───前哨淋巴结是指最先直接接受原发肿瘤淋巴引流的淋巴结。
2、I did not provide a SLN file for the projects.───我并没有为该项目提供SLN文件。
3、Conclusions: Serial sectioning of the SLN allows diagnosis of MICRO and ITC in a significant percentage of cases.───结论:哨兵淋巴结的连续切片增加了微转移和单个癌细胞的诊断。
4、Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is a minimally invasive, sensitive tool for axillary staging in selective early breast cancer patients.───选择合适的早期乳腺癌病人进行腋窝前哨淋巴结活检,可以减少由腋窝淋巴结清扫导致的并发症。
5、Methods The solid lipid nanoparticles(SLN) containing cucurbitacin B were prepared by high-pressure homogenization method.───方法采用高压匀质法制备葫芦素B固体脂质纳米粒。
6、METHODS PD-SLN was prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method and double emulsion solvent evaporation method, respectively.───方法分别采用溶剂扩散法和复乳法制备纳米粒;
7、abstract: Objective To prepare cisplatin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles(CDDP-SLNs) and investigate its tissue distribution in rats.───目的制备顺铂固体脂质纳米粒 (C D D P S L N),并考察其在大鼠体内的分布情况。
8、SLN varies in different sites, but most frequently located in obturator fossa.───sln定位个体差异较大,以闭孔窝最多见。
9、Micrometastasis in SLN and bone marrow maybe correlate with worse prognosis.───骨髓及淋巴结中的微转移可能与患者预后差相关。
1、Podophyllotoxin SLN has high entrapment efficiency, an even distribution in size and a satisfactory stability, indicating that it might be a hopeful skin topical preparation in.
2、Some techniques have been reported to identify sentinel lymph node(SLN), most of them may include utilization of an isosulfan blue dye, a radiocolloid tracer, or a combination of both.
3、According to the results of the study before formulation designing, emulsification-ultrasonic method was developed to prepare cucurbitacin SLN suspension, with stearic acid glyceride as lipid carrier.
4、The staining time, stain fading time of SLN, number of stained SLN, total number of the stained lymph node and the staining effect were observed.
5、The in vitro transdermal excised rat skin of imiquimod cream and its SLN were investigated.
前哨淋巴结 (Sentinel Lymph Node)
荷兰手语 (Dutch Sign Language)
固体脂质纳米粒 (Solid Lipid N\u
1、fructose metabolism───果糖代谢
2、onwards and upwards───天天向上;勇往直前;一直进步
3、ass pillow───屁股枕头
4、substantively legal───实质上合法的
5、oh my gosh───哦,我的天啊
6、buckeye recruits───七叶树新兵
7、traitorous lord───叛徒领主
8、ghost riders in the sky───天空中的幽灵骑士
9、frail synonym───脆弱同义词
10、insectivora species───食虫纲
1、The sentinel lymph node(SLN)is defined as the lymph node(s) that first receives lymphatic drainage from the site of the primary tumor.───前哨淋巴结是指最先直接接受原发肿瘤淋巴引流的淋巴结。
2、I did not provide a SLN file for the projects.───我并没有为该项目提供SLN文件。
3、Conclusions: Serial sectioning of the SLN allows diagnosis of MICRO and ITC in a significant percentage of cases.───结论:哨兵淋巴结的连续切片增加了微转移和单个癌细胞的诊断。
4、Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is a minimally invasive, sensitive tool for axillary staging in selective early breast cancer patients.───选择合适的早期乳腺癌病人进行腋窝前哨淋巴结活检,可以减少由腋窝淋巴结清扫导致的并发症。
5、Methods The solid lipid nanoparticles(SLN) containing cucurbitacin B were prepared by high-pressure homogenization method.───方法采用高压匀质法制备葫芦素B固体脂质纳米粒。
6、METHODS PD-SLN was prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method and double emulsion solvent evaporation method, respectively.───方法分别采用溶剂扩散法和复乳法制备纳米粒;
7、abstract: Objective To prepare cisplatin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles(CDDP-SLNs) and investigate its tissue distribution in rats.───目的制备顺铂固体脂质纳米粒 (C D D P S L N),并考察其在大鼠体内的分布情况。
8、SLN varies in different sites, but most frequently located in obturator fossa.───sln定位个体差异较大,以闭孔窝最多见。
9、Micrometastasis in SLN and bone marrow maybe correlate with worse prognosis.───骨髓及淋巴结中的微转移可能与患者预后差相关。
1、Podophyllotoxin SLN has high entrapment efficiency, an even distribution in size and a satisfactory stability, indicating that it might be a hopeful skin topical preparation in.
2、Some techniques have been reported to identify sentinel lymph node(SLN), most of them may include utilization of an isosulfan blue dye, a radiocolloid tracer, or a combination of both.
3、According to the results of the study before formulation designing, emulsification-ultrasonic method was developed to prepare cucurbitacin SLN suspension, with stearic acid glyceride as lipid carrier.
4、The staining time, stain fading time of SLN, number of stained SLN, total number of the stained lymph node and the staining effect were observed.
5、The in vitro transdermal excised rat skin of imiquimod cream and its SLN were investigated.
6、OBJECTIVE : To prepare Berberine hydrochloride solid lipid nanoparticles ( BH - SLN ).
7、Methods The solid lipid nanoparticles(SLN) containing cucurbitacin B were prepared by high-pressure homogenization method.
8、Moreover, a freeze-drying method was investigated in order to improve the stability of the cucurbitacin SLN suspension.