1、As part of this process, the data that is gathered from the sources and being transformed might need to be persisted temporarily in so-called staging areas.───作为这个过程的一部分,收集到的来自不同数据源的并经过转换的数据,可能需要暂时保存到所谓的暂存区。
2、military plans assume a defined front line with rear staging areas supplied by road.───各种军事计划都设想存在一条明确的前线和后方地区,可以通过公路输送供应。
3、Huge stretches of cityscape were transformed into military staging areas, and clone troopers were everywhere.───DaPian城区被改造成军事集结地,克隆人部队无处不在。
4、17 staging areas are in place across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.───在路易斯安那州,密西西比州,ALa巴马州以及佛罗里达州部署了17个集结区域以便快速反应来保护脆弱的海岸线。
5、These facilities have large expanses of open land capable of accommodating large helicopters and serving as staging areas.───这些地点有大面积的空地,可容纳大型直升机升降或提供长途运输的中转服务。
6、During the later years of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire infringed upon the safe-haven feel of Ord Mantell by moving one of their Naval staging areas close to the system.───在随后的银河内战的岁月里,帝国把一个海军集结区移到曼特尔兵站附近,打破了这个行星天堂般的安全感。
7、However, I don't believe that bombing Iran, raiding Iran to eliminate training camps or staging areas, or an invasion of Iran is likely.───然而,我不相信轰炸YiLang、突袭YiLang的军事训练营和军队集结地或入侵YiLang会成为可能。
8、Cards and letters of thanks from school children were delivered to various staging areas.───学童们的贺卡和感谢信也分发到了各个阵地上去。
9、And 17 staging areas are in place across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.───在路易斯安那州,密西西比州,ALa巴马州以及佛罗里达州部署了17个集结区域以便快速反应来保护脆弱的海岸线。
staging areas(英语使用场景)
1、The Lincolns destroyed vital food crops and staging areas thus slowly sapping the bandits' will and strength.
staging areas(意思翻译)
staging areas(相似词语短语)
2、common areas───[计]公用区
3、staging furniture───舞台家具
4、staging homes───临时住所
5、staging area───部队从一个战场转往另一个战场的集结地;集结待命地区
6、approximating areas───近似面积
7、staging concepts───分段概念
8、downtown areas───市中心
9、rest areas───n.支托区( rest area的名词复数 );休息场所;休息站
staging areas(双语使用场景)
1、As part of this process, the data that is gathered from the sources and being transformed might need to be persisted temporarily in so-called staging areas.───作为这个过程的一部分,收集到的来自不同数据源的并经过转换的数据,可能需要暂时保存到所谓的暂存区。
2、military plans assume a defined front line with rear staging areas supplied by road.───各种军事计划都设想存在一条明确的前线和后方地区,可以通过公路输送供应。
3、Huge stretches of cityscape were transformed into military staging areas, and clone troopers were everywhere.───DaPian城区被改造成军事集结地,克隆人部队无处不在。
4、17 staging areas are in place across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.───在路易斯安那州,密西西比州,ALa巴马州以及佛罗里达州部署了17个集结区域以便快速反应来保护脆弱的海岸线。
5、These facilities have large expanses of open land capable of accommodating large helicopters and serving as staging areas.───这些地点有大面积的空地,可容纳大型直升机升降或提供长途运输的中转服务。
6、During the later years of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire infringed upon the safe-haven feel of Ord Mantell by moving one of their Naval staging areas close to the system.───在随后的银河内战的岁月里,帝国把一个海军集结区移到曼特尔兵站附近,打破了这个行星天堂般的安全感。
7、However, I don't believe that bombing Iran, raiding Iran to eliminate training camps or staging areas, or an invasion of Iran is likely.───然而,我不相信轰炸YiLang、突袭YiLang的军事训练营和军队集结地或入侵YiLang会成为可能。
8、Cards and letters of thanks from school children were delivered to various staging areas.───学童们的贺卡和感谢信也分发到了各个阵地上去。
9、And 17 staging areas are in place across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.───在路易斯安那州,密西西比州,ALa巴马州以及佛罗里达州部署了17个集结区域以便快速反应来保护脆弱的海岸线。
staging areas(英语使用场景)
1、The Lincolns destroyed vital food crops and staging areas thus slowly sapping the bandits' will and strength.