1、"You might, " he said. "You tried to buy it with eighty-four days at sea. They nearly sold it to you too. "───“也许能,”他说。“你曾想拿在海上的八十四天来买它。人家也几乎把它卖给了你。”
2、Thank you. And a Happy New Year to you too !───谢谢你。也祝你新年快乐!
3、Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.───你的如意斗篷挂在壁橱里,至于鸟的心,我也还给你。
4、To do it well seems to me one of the most difficult things in the world, and probably seems so to you, too.───它可是我所认为的世上最难做好的事情之一。对此,你大概也心有同感。
5、James: Happy Birthday to you too, Birthday Brother.───詹姆斯:也一样祝你生日快乐,生日兄弟。
6、If you are asked questions that seem to you too personal, you need not answer them.───假如有人向你提出什么问题,而你觉得这纯粹是私事,那么你尽可不管。
7、I'm at school. I'll be in the sound studio for the next two days. I need to talk to you, too. Bye.───我在学校。我将在声乐室呆两天。我也想和你谈谈。再见。
8、Don't be thrown if a question seems to you too narrow or covers only one lecture or book.───假如一个问题对你来说太狭窄,或者只包括一个讲座或一本书籍,别被扔下了。
9、This applies to you too.───这对你也是一样。
to you too(英语使用场景)
1、Happy New Year to you, too.
2、Merry Christmas to you, too.
3、'Nice to talk to you.'--'Nice to talk to you too.'.
4、Laney I'm talkin to you too, daddy's still here.
5、Yeah well bollocks to you too mate!
6、It's very important to me - and, I should have thought, to you too.
to you too(意思翻译)
to you too(相似词语短语)
1、to too───太
2、lose you too───我也失去你了
3、you too you too───你也是你也是
4、too to───太过分了
5、too to───太过分了
6、to nice meet you too───我也很高兴见到你
7、you is too───你也是
8、what you too───你也是吗
9、too you───你也是
to you too(双语使用场景)
1、"You might, " he said. "You tried to buy it with eighty-four days at sea. They nearly sold it to you too. "───“也许能,”他说。“你曾想拿在海上的八十四天来买它。人家也几乎把它卖给了你。”
2、Thank you. And a Happy New Year to you too !───谢谢你。也祝你新年快乐!
3、Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, and as for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.───你的如意斗篷挂在壁橱里,至于鸟的心,我也还给你。
4、To do it well seems to me one of the most difficult things in the world, and probably seems so to you, too.───它可是我所认为的世上最难做好的事情之一。对此,你大概也心有同感。
5、James: Happy Birthday to you too, Birthday Brother.───詹姆斯:也一样祝你生日快乐,生日兄弟。
6、If you are asked questions that seem to you too personal, you need not answer them.───假如有人向你提出什么问题,而你觉得这纯粹是私事,那么你尽可不管。
7、I'm at school. I'll be in the sound studio for the next two days. I need to talk to you, too. Bye.───我在学校。我将在声乐室呆两天。我也想和你谈谈。再见。
8、Don't be thrown if a question seems to you too narrow or covers only one lecture or book.───假如一个问题对你来说太狭窄,或者只包括一个讲座或一本书籍,别被扔下了。
9、This applies to you too.───这对你也是一样。
to you too(英语使用场景)
1、Happy New Year to you, too.
2、Merry Christmas to you, too.
3、'Nice to talk to you.'--'Nice to talk to you too.'.
4、Laney I'm talkin to you too, daddy's still here.
5、Yeah well bollocks to you too mate!
6、It's very important to me - and, I should have thought, to you too.