1、play a part───装腔骗人;扮演角色;在…中起一份作用;v.扮演一个角色,参与,装腔骗人
2、part a───n.(Parta)人名;(芬)帕尔塔
3、do our part───尽我们的职责
4、do ones part───做一部分
5、do my part───尽自己职责
6、a part of───一部分
7、Do part in───参加
8、do your part───尽你的职责
9、a part time───兼职
do a part(双语使用场景)
1、About 40%college students have comparatively stable part-time jobs , and over 90% once had or are going to do a part-time job.───约有40%的大学生有较为稳定的兼职工作,曾经或打算兼职的同学超过了90%。
2、a part-time university subject?───业余时间选一门的大学专业继续深造。
3、However, if they do a part-time job over reasonable hours, it may be extremely valuable or them.───然而,适量的业余工作,对孩子们会非常有益。
4、I'll finish quickly the work which I do a part work, I'll sum up my job, leave the data and experience of work. Then I can decide to leave.───我得尽快将手上的工作做完,把以前的工作做好总结,留下总结数据和工作中的经验,然后就可以决定离开了。
5、End users are of course the people who will use our software to do a part, or even all, of their job.───终端用户当然就是那些在工作中部分地或者全部地使用我们软件产品的人。
6、Everyone thinks they do a part of your job.───每个人都认为完成了你交待给他们的任务。
7、I do a part-time job to increase my income.───我做兼职工作是为了增加收入。
8、That you why before rather stole don't do a part-time job as well can show a person by true face again immediately?───那你为什么以前宁愿TouQie也不打工可现在又以真面孔示人了呢?
9、For college students to do a part - time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.───打工对大学生的个性培养和今后生活都具有深远的影响。
do a part(英语使用场景)
1、For college students to do a part - time job will broaden their outlook.
do a part(意思翻译)
do a part(相似词语短语)
1、play a part───装腔骗人;扮演角色;在…中起一份作用;v.扮演一个角色,参与,装腔骗人
2、part a───n.(Parta)人名;(芬)帕尔塔
3、do our part───尽我们的职责
4、do ones part───做一部分
5、do my part───尽自己职责
6、a part of───一部分
7、Do part in───参加
8、do your part───尽你的职责
9、a part time───兼职
do a part(双语使用场景)
1、About 40%college students have comparatively stable part-time jobs , and over 90% once had or are going to do a part-time job.───约有40%的大学生有较为稳定的兼职工作,曾经或打算兼职的同学超过了90%。
2、a part-time university subject?───业余时间选一门的大学专业继续深造。
3、However, if they do a part-time job over reasonable hours, it may be extremely valuable or them.───然而,适量的业余工作,对孩子们会非常有益。
4、I'll finish quickly the work which I do a part work, I'll sum up my job, leave the data and experience of work. Then I can decide to leave.───我得尽快将手上的工作做完,把以前的工作做好总结,留下总结数据和工作中的经验,然后就可以决定离开了。
5、End users are of course the people who will use our software to do a part, or even all, of their job.───终端用户当然就是那些在工作中部分地或者全部地使用我们软件产品的人。
6、Everyone thinks they do a part of your job.───每个人都认为完成了你交待给他们的任务。
7、I do a part-time job to increase my income.───我做兼职工作是为了增加收入。
8、That you why before rather stole don't do a part-time job as well can show a person by true face again immediately?───那你为什么以前宁愿TouQie也不打工可现在又以真面孔示人了呢?
9、For college students to do a part - time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.───打工对大学生的个性培养和今后生活都具有深远的影响。
do a part(英语使用场景)
1、For college students to do a part - time job will broaden their outlook.