1、Shrinkage is both the irreversible process and the result of the process.───收缩是不可逆转的过程以及是进程的结果。
2、Aging, like death, is an irreversible process.───衰老像死亡一样是一个不可逆转的过程。
3、Curing : The irreversible process of polymerizing a thermosetting epoxy in a temperature - time profile .───固化:热固性环氧树脂在温度-时间曲线下的不可逆聚合过程。
4、Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process.───一般认为硫化是不可逆的过程。
5、However, note that conversion to a native-mode domain is a one-way and irreversible process.───不过,请注意,转换为纯模式域的过程是单向的,是不可逆转的。
6、So this is an irreversible process.───所以这是一个不可逆过程,焦耳-汤姆逊。
7、Globalization has favoured our life in economic, political and academic aspects. It proves an irreversible process, which nobody can shake.───全球化在经济、政治和学习方面有利于我们的生活,它是个不可逆转的过程,没有人能够动摇。
8、not going to cool as much for the irreversible process.───不可逆过程,降温不会有可逆过程多。
9、Digital film out of the traditional film film history film is bound to an irreversible process.───电影的数字化淘汰传统胶片影片是电影历史必然不可逆转的进程。
irreversible process(意思翻译)
irreversible process(相似词语短语)
1、growth process───成长过程;增长过程;生长过程
2、probate process───遗嘱认证程序
3、process plant───制炼厂
4、formal process───正式程序
5、process map───进程代换信息,进程图;进程图;进程代换信息
7、denitration process───脱硝工艺
9、review process───[审计]审核过程;[经] 审核过程
irreversible process(双语使用场景)
1、Shrinkage is both the irreversible process and the result of the process.───收缩是不可逆转的过程以及是进程的结果。
2、Aging, like death, is an irreversible process.───衰老像死亡一样是一个不可逆转的过程。
3、Curing : The irreversible process of polymerizing a thermosetting epoxy in a temperature - time profile .───固化:热固性环氧树脂在温度-时间曲线下的不可逆聚合过程。
4、Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process.───一般认为硫化是不可逆的过程。
5、However, note that conversion to a native-mode domain is a one-way and irreversible process.───不过,请注意,转换为纯模式域的过程是单向的,是不可逆转的。
6、So this is an irreversible process.───所以这是一个不可逆过程,焦耳-汤姆逊。
7、Globalization has favoured our life in economic, political and academic aspects. It proves an irreversible process, which nobody can shake.───全球化在经济、政治和学习方面有利于我们的生活,它是个不可逆转的过程,没有人能够动摇。
8、not going to cool as much for the irreversible process.───不可逆过程,降温不会有可逆过程多。
9、Digital film out of the traditional film film history film is bound to an irreversible process.───电影的数字化淘汰传统胶片影片是电影历史必然不可逆转的进程。