1、you believe that I was born in July too! I was born on July the 29th.───你相信吗?我也是出生在七月份,我是29日出生的。
2、I was born in Shandong Province on July 4, 1975, and raised in a happy family that included my father, mother and younger sister.───我于1975年7月4日出生在山东省。家庭生活幸福年月日出生在山东省日出生在山东省。我于美满。家中有父亲、母亲和妹妹。
3、Now, at least, I have made a stab at doing so because, for this anniversary (he was born on July 15, 1606), Amsterdam has organized a host of events that offer insights into Rembrandt's world.───可是如今,由于此次诞辰庆典(伦布兰特出生于1606年7月15日)的缘故,我至少已经开始尝试着了解他了。阿姆斯特丹在此举行了一系列的活动,给人们提供了走进伦布兰特了解他的机会。
i was born on july(意思翻译)
i was born on july(相似词语短语)
1、I was on duty───我当时在值班
3、I was born in───我出生在
4、i was on the───我当时在路上
5、was not born yesterday───他不是昨天出生的
6、benjamin franklin was born───本杰明富兰克林出生了
8、last july───去年七月
9、i was───我曾是
i was born on july(双语使用场景)
1、you believe that I was born in July too! I was born on July the 29th.───你相信吗?我也是出生在七月份,我是29日出生的。
2、I was born in Shandong Province on July 4, 1975, and raised in a happy family that included my father, mother and younger sister.───我于1975年7月4日出生在山东省。家庭生活幸福年月日出生在山东省日出生在山东省。我于美满。家中有父亲、母亲和妹妹。
3、Now, at least, I have made a stab at doing so because, for this anniversary (he was born on July 15, 1606), Amsterdam has organized a host of events that offer insights into Rembrandt's world.───可是如今,由于此次诞辰庆典(伦布兰特出生于1606年7月15日)的缘故,我至少已经开始尝试着了解他了。阿姆斯特丹在此举行了一系列的活动,给人们提供了走进伦布兰特了解他的机会。
i was born on july(英语使用场景)
1、I was born on July 1st.