three someones(意思翻译)
three someones(相似词语短语)
1、thin three───薄三
2、three of───三个
3、three class───SanJi
5、three course───三道菜
6、three forty───340
7、unit three───第三单元
8、first three───前三个;[体]前三名
9、three to three───三对三
three someones(英语使用场景)
1、Back in 1948, each cellblock had its own turnkey. A guard could have been bribed real easy to let someone - maybe two or three someones - into the block, and, yes, even into Diamond's cell.
three someones(意思翻译)
three someones(相似词语短语)
1、thin three───薄三
2、three of───三个
3、three class───SanJi
5、three course───三道菜
6、three forty───340
7、unit three───第三单元
8、first three───前三个;[体]前三名
9、three to three───三对三
three someones(英语使用场景)
1、Back in 1948, each cellblock had its own turnkey. A guard could have been bribed real easy to let someone - maybe two or three someones - into the block, and, yes, even into Diamond's cell.