1、Two dozen zombies, their clothes spattered with fake blood, were staggering up and down the block outside Madison Square Garden.───二十多个僵尸浑身“血迹”斑斑,踉踉跄跄地徘徊在麦迪逊广场花园外的街区上。
2、Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square.───现在,一般可以在48街街角和第七大道周边看到他,那里距时代广场中心一到两个街区。
3、Within a single square block there is a W Hotel, a Brooks Brothers, a shop that specializes in imported European shoes and a World of Wine store.───在一块方形街区,有一座W酒店,一家布鲁斯兄弟公司、一家专门进口欧洲鞋子的商店和世界葡萄酒商店。
block square(意思翻译)
block square(相似词语短语)
1、square block───方形块
2、be square───方正的
3、trade block───贸易集团
5、dark block───暗块
6、durbar square───杜巴广场
8、square foot───平方英尺
9、snaky block───蛇形块
block square(双语使用场景)
1、Two dozen zombies, their clothes spattered with fake blood, were staggering up and down the block outside Madison Square Garden.───二十多个僵尸浑身“血迹”斑斑,踉踉跄跄地徘徊在麦迪逊广场花园外的街区上。
2、Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square.───现在,一般可以在48街街角和第七大道周边看到他,那里距时代广场中心一到两个街区。
3、Within a single square block there is a W Hotel, a Brooks Brothers, a shop that specializes in imported European shoes and a World of Wine store.───在一块方形街区,有一座W酒店,一家布鲁斯兄弟公司、一家专门进口欧洲鞋子的商店和世界葡萄酒商店。