1、Mr Wind: Hi, my dear little Water Drop.───风先生:你好。我亲爱的小水滴。
2、little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. the sun comes out. little water drop feels warm again. he sees mr wind.───小水滴和它的一些朋友们落到一个湖中。太阳出来了,小水滴再次感到温暖。他看见了风先生。
3、The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again. He sees Mr Wind.───太阳出来了,小水滴感到再次温暖。他看到风先生。
4、Little water drop rises the sea the sky.───小水滴从大海升到了天空。
5、Drop: I'm little Water Drop. I'm hot.───水滴:我是小水滴,我很热。
6、Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.───小水滴和他的一些朋友掉进了湖里
7、Little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.───小水珠和他的一些朋友掉进湖里。
8、Out comes the sun and drinks the sea again. And the little water drop comes down and it is rain.───太阳又出来了,海水又一次蒸发。小小的水珠掉落下来——那是雨。
9、Little water Drop sleeps in a river.───小水珠躺在小河里睡LanJue。
little water drop(意思翻译)
little water drop(相似词语短语)
1、little water───少量的水
3、cram drop───补习班
4、draggle drop───拖拉
5、drop water───跌水
6、drag drop───拖放
7、a drop of water───一滴水
8、sweet drop───甜点
9、clumsily drop───笨拙地跌落
little water drop(双语使用场景)
1、Mr Wind: Hi, my dear little Water Drop.───风先生:你好。我亲爱的小水滴。
2、little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. the sun comes out. little water drop feels warm again. he sees mr wind.───小水滴和它的一些朋友们落到一个湖中。太阳出来了,小水滴再次感到温暖。他看见了风先生。
3、The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again. He sees Mr Wind.───太阳出来了,小水滴感到再次温暖。他看到风先生。
4、Little water drop rises the sea the sky.───小水滴从大海升到了天空。
5、Drop: I'm little Water Drop. I'm hot.───水滴:我是小水滴,我很热。
6、Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.───小水滴和他的一些朋友掉进了湖里
7、Little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.───小水珠和他的一些朋友掉进湖里。
8、Out comes the sun and drinks the sea again. And the little water drop comes down and it is rain.───太阳又出来了,海水又一次蒸发。小小的水珠掉落下来——那是雨。
9、Little water Drop sleeps in a river.───小水珠躺在小河里睡LanJue。