1、this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books.───本章末尾附着有用书籍的精选书目。
2、Maybe select a little bit of that. And bring out this graph.───要不我们挑一点东西出来,把这个图取出来。
3、This page allows you to specify how the HTML for your presentation will be displayed. Select individual items for more help on what they do.───这一页让您指定您的投影片要怎麽在HTML上显示。选择个别项目以取得更多说明。
4、Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse.───按住鼠标左键选取你想要格式化的文本。
5、You can select multiple database tables and establish table relationships just as you would for the main data connection.───您可以选择多个数据库表并建立表关系,就像对主数据连接执行的Cao作一样。
6、Select the largest occupied apartments feature is free convenience, ready to be hotel-style services, their grandeur.───选择酒店式公寓自住最大的特点就是自由方便,同时随时可以得到酒店式的各种服务,彰显气派。
7、you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder.───你惟一需要做的是在桌面上右击鼠标,然后选择“新建文件夹”。
8、In the Depends on field below, select the check boxes of any other projects that must be built first, before this project is built.───在下面的“依赖于”字段中,选择在生成此项目之前必须首先生成的所有其他项目的复选框。
9、The options that you select might be overridden , if adding spacing and line breaks will change how the control is rendered .───如果增加间距和分行符将会更改控件的呈现方式,您选择的选项可能会被重写。
1、If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.
2、There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.
3、Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh.
4、Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.
5、It is important to select a software package that suits your requirements.
6、A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
7、The Government has pooh-poohed the idea that primary schools will begin to select pupils.
8、She lets her son select his own Christmas present.
1、this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books.───本章末尾附着有用书籍的精选书目。
2、Maybe select a little bit of that. And bring out this graph.───要不我们挑一点东西出来,把这个图取出来。
3、This page allows you to specify how the HTML for your presentation will be displayed. Select individual items for more help on what they do.───这一页让您指定您的投影片要怎麽在HTML上显示。选择个别项目以取得更多说明。
4、Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse.───按住鼠标左键选取你想要格式化的文本。
5、You can select multiple database tables and establish table relationships just as you would for the main data connection.───您可以选择多个数据库表并建立表关系,就像对主数据连接执行的Cao作一样。
6、Select the largest occupied apartments feature is free convenience, ready to be hotel-style services, their grandeur.───选择酒店式公寓自住最大的特点就是自由方便,同时随时可以得到酒店式的各种服务,彰显气派。
7、you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder.───你惟一需要做的是在桌面上右击鼠标,然后选择“新建文件夹”。
8、In the Depends on field below, select the check boxes of any other projects that must be built first, before this project is built.───在下面的“依赖于”字段中,选择在生成此项目之前必须首先生成的所有其他项目的复选框。
9、The options that you select might be overridden , if adding spacing and line breaks will change how the control is rendered .───如果增加间距和分行符将会更改控件的呈现方式,您选择的选项可能会被重写。
1、If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.
2、There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select one of them.
3、Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh.
4、Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.
5、It is important to select a software package that suits your requirements.
6、A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
7、The Government has pooh-poohed the idea that primary schools will begin to select pupils.
8、She lets her son select his own Christmas present.
9、Always select the right tool for the job.