1、But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in LESS than two hours I came up to it.───我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
2、they would have to go steerage on the ship , but it was only three days after all.───他们在船上不得不住统舱,好在旅途只需三天。
3、Sir, I don't think you'll find any of your people down here. It's all steerage.───对不起,先生。这不会有你的亲友,这都是三等舱的。
4、first-class cabins are too expensive, second class is stifling and third is in steerage.───一等舱太贵,二等舱太闷,三等舱在近舵处。
5、Dean's family were steerage passengers setting out from the English port of Southampton for a new life in the United States.───迪安的家人是船上的统舱乘客,他们从英国的南安普顿港出发向美国进发寻找新的生活。
6、He talked her down from her suicide attempt, and so began a romance between a brash lad from steerage and an upper-class young lady.───他说服她不要ZiSha,乘坐三等舱的粗野小子与上层淑女的浪漫恋情由此而生。
7、He was re-elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.───他奇迹般地引导该国渡过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选。
8、Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares.───坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价。
9、Her parents had arrived in the United States in a steamship, travelling steerage, the cheapestaccommodation, and settled in Denver.───睡在三等舱最廉价的铺位上,乘坐着一艘蒸汽船,她的父母抵达了丹佛。
1、mangosteen flavor───山竹味
2、fettling steel───铸钢
3、galvalume steel───金钢
4、esteemed institute───尊敬的学院
5、mild steel───软钢,低碳钢;低碳钢;[材]软钢
6、vanadium steel───[材]钒钢;n.钒钢
7、steering shaft───转向轴,Cao舵轴;[机]转向轴;Cao舵轴
8、power steering───n.[车辆]动力转向;动力方向盘;(机动车)转向助力装置;n.动力方向盘
9、esteeming synonym───尊敬同义词
10、steepest descent───最陡下降;最速下降
1、But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in LESS than two hours I came up to it.───我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
2、they would have to go steerage on the ship , but it was only three days after all.───他们在船上不得不住统舱,好在旅途只需三天。
3、Sir, I don't think you'll find any of your people down here. It's all steerage.───对不起,先生。这不会有你的亲友,这都是三等舱的。
4、first-class cabins are too expensive, second class is stifling and third is in steerage.───一等舱太贵,二等舱太闷,三等舱在近舵处。
5、Dean's family were steerage passengers setting out from the English port of Southampton for a new life in the United States.───迪安的家人是船上的统舱乘客,他们从英国的南安普顿港出发向美国进发寻找新的生活。
6、He talked her down from her suicide attempt, and so began a romance between a brash lad from steerage and an upper-class young lady.───他说服她不要ZiSha,乘坐三等舱的粗野小子与上层淑女的浪漫恋情由此而生。
7、He was re-elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster.───他奇迹般地引导该国渡过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选。
8、Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares.───坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价。
9、Her parents had arrived in the United States in a steamship, travelling steerage, the cheapestaccommodation, and settled in Denver.───睡在三等舱最廉价的铺位上,乘坐着一艘蒸汽船,她的父母抵达了丹佛。