1、The open water bath heater consists of a cylindrical vessel with removable flame tube and gas tube bundle.───开式水浴加热器由带可拆卸式火焰管和气管束的圆柱形容器组成。
2、arranged pipe heater of vertical cylindrical storage oil tank often occurred damage at the joint zone between the distributor pipe and bundle.───立式圆筒形储罐用的排管式加热器,在分配管与管束连接处经常发生损坏。
heater bundle(意思翻译)
heater bundle(相似词语短语)
1、humble bundle───不起眼的包袱
3、ream heater───扩孔加热器
4、steam heater───蒸汽加热器
5、cotangent bundle───余切丛
6、sepsis bundle───集束化治疗
8、deductible bundle───免赔KunBang
9、amaze heater───惊奇加热器
heater bundle(双语使用场景)
1、The open water bath heater consists of a cylindrical vessel with removable flame tube and gas tube bundle.───开式水浴加热器由带可拆卸式火焰管和气管束的圆柱形容器组成。
2、arranged pipe heater of vertical cylindrical storage oil tank often occurred damage at the joint zone between the distributor pipe and bundle.───立式圆筒形储罐用的排管式加热器,在分配管与管束连接处经常发生损坏。