1、what do they usually have the breakfast ?───她们早饭通常吃什么?
2、We have the breakfast at half past seven.───我们七点半吃早饭。
3、It's time to have the breakfast!───是该吃早饭的时候了。
4、In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop.───早上他们可以在咖啡店吃早餐。
5、2nd, disgusting vomit: Many women the empty stomach drink the coffee, to have the breakfast in the morning time, will vomit.───恶心呕吐:很多妇女早上空腹喝咖啡、吃早餐的时候,会呕吐。
6、A dozen of them kept training until the sun had fully risen. Then they would have the breakfast together.───十几个人练到旭日高升时,才一起去吃早餐。
7、What time do the Greens have breakfast?───格林家什么时候吃早饭?
8、We got up at 8 in the morning to have the breakfast and went to sleep again.───第二天上午八点起床吃早饭,然后又睡了一觉。
have the breakfast(意思翻译)
have the breakfast(相似词语短语)
1、breakfast table───n.早餐桌
2、breakfast now───现在就吃早饭
4、have the───拥有
5、have breakfast───吃早餐,吃早饭
6、had breakfast───吃早餐,吃早饭
7、breakfast ideas───早餐点子
8、the big breakfast───丰盛的早餐
9、breakfast ingredients───早餐配料
have the breakfast(双语使用场景)
1、what do they usually have the breakfast ?───她们早饭通常吃什么?
2、We have the breakfast at half past seven.───我们七点半吃早饭。
3、It's time to have the breakfast!───是该吃早饭的时候了。
4、In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop.───早上他们可以在咖啡店吃早餐。
5、2nd, disgusting vomit: Many women the empty stomach drink the coffee, to have the breakfast in the morning time, will vomit.───恶心呕吐:很多妇女早上空腹喝咖啡、吃早餐的时候,会呕吐。
6、A dozen of them kept training until the sun had fully risen. Then they would have the breakfast together.───十几个人练到旭日高升时,才一起去吃早餐。
7、What time do the Greens have breakfast?───格林家什么时候吃早饭?
8、We got up at 8 in the morning to have the breakfast and went to sleep again.───第二天上午八点起床吃早饭,然后又睡了一觉。