1、As it was happening I was shocked by the clear income demarcation that seemed to separate rational behavior from irrational behavior.───所以当看到理智行为与不理智行为所造成的收入差距时我大吃一惊。
2、someone close to you might resort to extreme or irrational behavior because of jealousy or resentment.───某些靠近你的人,由于嫉妒或怨恨,可能会有极端或无理行为,你还是暂时躲藏一下吧。
3、People are more inclined to be emotionally unstable during the spring, which may lead to irrational behavior.───人们在春季时容易在情感上不稳定,这可能会导致无理性的行为。
4、The results show that the agents' irrational behavior may be beneficial to the principals in particular case.───结果表明,特定情形下,代理人的非理性行为对委托人是有益的。
5、I'll tell you a little bit about irrational behavior. Not yours, of course.───我当然不是指你们的非理性行为,是其他人的。
6、Asymmetric market information and the irrational behavior subjects cause herd behavior in the partner-selection of the alliance.───市场信息的不对称性以及决策者的非理性,导致联盟合作伙伴选择的羊群行为。
7、Experimental economics has an important influence on the research of the impact of manager's irrational behavior on corporate investment.───实验经济学的发展,对于拓展经理人的非理性行为对企业投资决策影响的研究具有重要意义。
8、It is often this irrational behavior to make rational explanation.───人们常常对此不理性的行为做出理性的解释。
irrational behavior(英语使用场景)
1、Fromm's conception of freedom is formed on the base of pondering upon the irrational behavior of human beings and reflecting on the people's morbidness and spirit of contemporary western society.
2、I can't lose myself in this obsessive - compulsive irrational behavior.
irrational behavior(意思翻译)
irrational behavior(相似词语短语)
1、irrational numbers───[数]无理数
2、deflective behavior───偏斜行为
4、irrational exuberance───非理性繁荣
5、irrational fear───非理性恐惧
6、irrational definition───不合理的定义
8、irrational beliefs───非理性信念
9、irrational meaning───非理性意义
irrational behavior(双语使用场景)
1、As it was happening I was shocked by the clear income demarcation that seemed to separate rational behavior from irrational behavior.───所以当看到理智行为与不理智行为所造成的收入差距时我大吃一惊。
2、someone close to you might resort to extreme or irrational behavior because of jealousy or resentment.───某些靠近你的人,由于嫉妒或怨恨,可能会有极端或无理行为,你还是暂时躲藏一下吧。
3、People are more inclined to be emotionally unstable during the spring, which may lead to irrational behavior.───人们在春季时容易在情感上不稳定,这可能会导致无理性的行为。
4、The results show that the agents' irrational behavior may be beneficial to the principals in particular case.───结果表明,特定情形下,代理人的非理性行为对委托人是有益的。
5、I'll tell you a little bit about irrational behavior. Not yours, of course.───我当然不是指你们的非理性行为,是其他人的。
6、Asymmetric market information and the irrational behavior subjects cause herd behavior in the partner-selection of the alliance.───市场信息的不对称性以及决策者的非理性,导致联盟合作伙伴选择的羊群行为。
7、Experimental economics has an important influence on the research of the impact of manager's irrational behavior on corporate investment.───实验经济学的发展,对于拓展经理人的非理性行为对企业投资决策影响的研究具有重要意义。
8、It is often this irrational behavior to make rational explanation.───人们常常对此不理性的行为做出理性的解释。
irrational behavior(英语使用场景)
1、Fromm's conception of freedom is formed on the base of pondering upon the irrational behavior of human beings and reflecting on the people's morbidness and spirit of contemporary western society.
2、I can't lose myself in this obsessive - compulsive irrational behavior.