1、The manufacturing method of high-speed rolling cutting block developed by the enterprise has gained a Chinese invention patent.───公司研发的“一种高速滚压模切刀块的制造方法”获得中国发明专利。
2、In Ireland, by contrast, both pensions and health spending are on the cutting block.───与此形成强烈对比的是爱尔兰,那里的退休金和医疗开支都要削减一块。
3、Once that plaque builds up, it can rupture and completely block the artery, cutting off the blood supply to your heart.───一旦斑块堆积,则会损伤并完全阻塞动脉,造成心脏缺血。
4、Experiments of cutting concrete block were conducted and the reason for different fonns on different cutting depth was analyzed.───混凝土试块进行切割实验,并对分析同切割深度的不同形态所产生的原因。
5、The last one is cutting pattern analysis, which generated the number of membrane block and the cutting method.───第三个阶段是裁剪分析阶段,即生成平面膜材的裁剪下料图。
cutting block(意思翻译)
cutting block(相似词语短语)
1、cutting───adj.尖酸刻薄的;严寒的,刺骨的;锋利的;v.切割;凿成;剪短;把……切碎;划破(cut的现在分词);n.剪报;插枝,插条;狭窄通道,路堑;切割,切断;割下的东西;n. (Cutting)(美、澳、印)卡廷(人名)
2、cutting down───研磨修整;磨掉
3、er cutting───电流变切削
4、cutting machine───切削机,[机]切割机;裁切机,裁剪机;截煤机;下料压力机;切削机; 下料压力机; 裁剪机; 裁切机
5、cutting board───n.切肉板
6、cutting paper───剪纸;裁纸
8、cutting line───切割线;截线
9、cutting shapes───切割形状
cutting block(双语使用场景)
1、The manufacturing method of high-speed rolling cutting block developed by the enterprise has gained a Chinese invention patent.───公司研发的“一种高速滚压模切刀块的制造方法”获得中国发明专利。
2、In Ireland, by contrast, both pensions and health spending are on the cutting block.───与此形成强烈对比的是爱尔兰,那里的退休金和医疗开支都要削减一块。
3、Once that plaque builds up, it can rupture and completely block the artery, cutting off the blood supply to your heart.───一旦斑块堆积,则会损伤并完全阻塞动脉,造成心脏缺血。
4、Experiments of cutting concrete block were conducted and the reason for different fonns on different cutting depth was analyzed.───混凝土试块进行切割实验,并对分析同切割深度的不同形态所产生的原因。
5、The last one is cutting pattern analysis, which generated the number of membrane block and the cutting method.───第三个阶段是裁剪分析阶段,即生成平面膜材的裁剪下料图。