1、there's a hole where my soul used to grow so just black out the sun───我的灵魂有了一个洞,所以只好涂掉了太阳
2、and I just feel wrong so black out the sun───我感觉如此糟糕,所以用墨涂掉了太阳
3、TORUK comes out of the sun, beating its huge wings to slow its descent. Its crimson and black wings, backlit by the sun, seem to glow from within.───魅影在阳光的照耀下飞出,拍打着巨大的双翼缓缓降落。它那红黑相间的巨翅在太阳的照射下散发出华丽的光芒。
4、As the sun emerged from the black clouds, our hearts lifted for we could go out to play in the park again.───当太阳从乌云后露出来时,我们非常开心,因为我们又可以去公园玩了。
black out the sun(意思翻译)
black out the sun(相似词语短语)
1、black out───v.中断,停止;熄灭灯火;晕倒,昏厥;v.灯火管制; 熄灯; 停止; 中断; 封闭
2、sun out───晒太阳
3、be black out───昏迷不醒
4、the sun───n.太阳报;阳;东曦;太阳
5、near the sun───靠近太阳
6、face the sun───向阳;朝阳
7、the black───黑人
8、blotted out the sun───遮住太阳
9、black it out───把它关掉
black out the sun(双语使用场景)
1、there's a hole where my soul used to grow so just black out the sun───我的灵魂有了一个洞,所以只好涂掉了太阳
2、and I just feel wrong so black out the sun───我感觉如此糟糕,所以用墨涂掉了太阳
3、TORUK comes out of the sun, beating its huge wings to slow its descent. Its crimson and black wings, backlit by the sun, seem to glow from within.───魅影在阳光的照耀下飞出,拍打着巨大的双翼缓缓降落。它那红黑相间的巨翅在太阳的照射下散发出华丽的光芒。
4、As the sun emerged from the black clouds, our hearts lifted for we could go out to play in the park again.───当太阳从乌云后露出来时,我们非常开心,因为我们又可以去公园玩了。
5、Black clouds blocked out the sun.───乌云遮住了太阳。