1、No cute words, no exaggerated statements.───没有华丽的语辞,没有夸张的陈述。
2、Nietzsche's words are emotional, but not exaggerated.───尼采的话虽然充满感性,但绝未夸张。
3、His novels will not adopt the gorgeous exaggerated words, they are from daily life the language, so that his novel is more authenticity.───他的小说不会采用华丽夸张的文字,都是从日常生活中信手拈来的语言,这样就使他的小说显得更具有真实性。
4、His novels will not adopt the gorgeous exaggerated words, they are from daily life the language, so that his novel is more authenticity .───他的小说不会采用华丽夸张的文字,都是从常生活中信手拈来的语言,这样就使他的小说显得更具有真实性。
exaggerated words(意思翻译)
exaggerated words(相似词语短语)
1、exaggerated intonation───夸张的语调
2、exaggerated synonyms───夸张的同义词
3、exaggerated motion───夸张的动作
4、purposely exaggerated───故甚其辞
6、exaggerated definition───夸张的定义
7、exaggerated compliment───夸大其词
8、exaggerated number───夸张的数字
9、humorously exaggerated───幽默夸张
exaggerated words(双语使用场景)
1、No cute words, no exaggerated statements.───没有华丽的语辞,没有夸张的陈述。
2、Nietzsche's words are emotional, but not exaggerated.───尼采的话虽然充满感性,但绝未夸张。
3、His novels will not adopt the gorgeous exaggerated words, they are from daily life the language, so that his novel is more authenticity.───他的小说不会采用华丽夸张的文字,都是从日常生活中信手拈来的语言,这样就使他的小说显得更具有真实性。
4、His novels will not adopt the gorgeous exaggerated words, they are from daily life the language, so that his novel is more authenticity .───他的小说不会采用华丽夸张的文字,都是从常生活中信手拈来的语言,这样就使他的小说显得更具有真实性。