1、Research provides the foundation for the water-heat-salt coupling simulation on freezing-thawing soils and the establishment of autumn irrigation schedule in Hetao irrigation District.───研究结果为河套灌区冻融土壤水热盐耦合模拟的研究和秋浇制度的制定提供了基础理论依据。
2、The Heat have three more home games than road games the rest of the way, and the Lakers' soft early-season schedule is about to fill up with more difficult opponents.───热火在余下的赛程里在迈阿密的比赛要比客场多三场,而湖人前半程相对轻松的赛程欠下的债还需要在后面慢慢还回来。
3、The results showed that the staircase heat treatment schedule was fit for preparing the opaque porcelain.───结果表明阶梯制度的热处理方式适用于本体系的遮色瓷。
4、Optimizing Heat Schedule of Billet in Reheating Furnace───方坯加热炉热工制度优化研究及应用
heat schedule(意思翻译)
heat schedule(相似词语短语)
1、agglomeration schedule───结块时间表
2、of schedule───时间表
3、boxing schedule───装箱时间表
5、heat pipe───[热]热管;热导管;热导管,热管,导热管
6、demand schedule───需求一览表;需求计划;(市场)需求表
7、heat to heat───热对热
9、touring schedule───巡回演出时间表
heat schedule(双语使用场景)
1、Research provides the foundation for the water-heat-salt coupling simulation on freezing-thawing soils and the establishment of autumn irrigation schedule in Hetao irrigation District.───研究结果为河套灌区冻融土壤水热盐耦合模拟的研究和秋浇制度的制定提供了基础理论依据。
2、The Heat have three more home games than road games the rest of the way, and the Lakers' soft early-season schedule is about to fill up with more difficult opponents.───热火在余下的赛程里在迈阿密的比赛要比客场多三场,而湖人前半程相对轻松的赛程欠下的债还需要在后面慢慢还回来。
3、The results showed that the staircase heat treatment schedule was fit for preparing the opaque porcelain.───结果表明阶梯制度的热处理方式适用于本体系的遮色瓷。
4、Optimizing Heat Schedule of Billet in Reheating Furnace───方坯加热炉热工制度优化研究及应用