1、Mr Obama voted against raising the debt limit that day and will, no doubt, be reminded of this fact by Republicans in coming weeks.───当时奥巴马对提高国债限额投了反对票,毋庸置疑,未来数周共和党人将会重提此事。
2、And traditionally the debt limit has been treated as a minor detail.───从传统上讲,债务限制一直被视为一个不大重要的细节问题。
3、It is possible that the debt limit may be breached temporarily if Congress does not act in a timely manner.───如果国会不及时行动,国债限额有可能被暂时突破。
4、Q What is the debt limit?───Q什么是债务限额?
5、Treasury has yet to face a situation in which it was unable to pay its obligations as a result of reaching the debt limit.───CaiZhengBu还没有遇到过因达到债务上限而无法支付债务的局面。
6、David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt limit crisis in Washington.───俄勒冈选区的吴振伟宣布他将在美国国会债务危机解决后正式辞职。
7、"It would be nice to have it in a package form by the debt-limit" debate, said Senator Saxby Chambliss, a Republican of Georgia.───乔治亚州共和党参议员钱布利斯说:“借债务限额之机,把这些改革性措施一揽子打包是很不错的选择。”
8、So, the debt limit is how much money a country can borrow.───因此,债务限额就是一个国家可以借多少钱。
9、United States has raised the debt limit 78 times since 1960.───从1960年开始,美国已经78次提高债务限额。
debt limit(意思翻译)
debt limit(相似词语短语)
1、limit switch───限位开关;[电]极限开关;限位开关,极限开关
3、sensor limit───传感器极限
5、debt collectors───收债人;收帐员
6、action limit───[统计]处置界限;行动点
7、age limit───工作年限,退休年龄,年龄限制
8、gas limit───气体极限
9、framerate limit───帧速率限制
debt limit(双语使用场景)
1、Mr Obama voted against raising the debt limit that day and will, no doubt, be reminded of this fact by Republicans in coming weeks.───当时奥巴马对提高国债限额投了反对票,毋庸置疑,未来数周共和党人将会重提此事。
2、And traditionally the debt limit has been treated as a minor detail.───从传统上讲,债务限制一直被视为一个不大重要的细节问题。
3、It is possible that the debt limit may be breached temporarily if Congress does not act in a timely manner.───如果国会不及时行动,国债限额有可能被暂时突破。
4、Q What is the debt limit?───Q什么是债务限额?
5、Treasury has yet to face a situation in which it was unable to pay its obligations as a result of reaching the debt limit.───CaiZhengBu还没有遇到过因达到债务上限而无法支付债务的局面。
6、David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt limit crisis in Washington.───俄勒冈选区的吴振伟宣布他将在美国国会债务危机解决后正式辞职。
7、"It would be nice to have it in a package form by the debt-limit" debate, said Senator Saxby Chambliss, a Republican of Georgia.───乔治亚州共和党参议员钱布利斯说:“借债务限额之机,把这些改革性措施一揽子打包是很不错的选择。”
8、So, the debt limit is how much money a country can borrow.───因此,债务限额就是一个国家可以借多少钱。
9、United States has raised the debt limit 78 times since 1960.───从1960年开始,美国已经78次提高债务限额。