1、"The impact of the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts, " said Julian Jessop of Capital Economics.───伦敦资本经济 (Capital Economics)的朱利安•杰瑟普 (Julian Jessop)表示:“整体影响也许要大于各部分的总和。”
2、One gold bear, Julian Jessop, chief international economist of London research firm Capital Economics, changed his mind last week.───伦敦研究机构CapitalEconomics的首席国际经济学家杰索普 (Julian Jessop)曾是一名金价看跌者,上周他改变了看法。
3、Julian Jessop, economist at Capital Economics, predicts that December's Tic data represent a brief pause before China's purchases of Treasuries resume.───12月份的TIC数据,资本经济(Capital Economics)的朱利安·杰瑟普(Julian Jessop)认为,中国只是稍微歇了口气,不久还会继续买入美国国债。
4、A more serious objection is raised by Julian Jessop of Capital Economics.───资本经济学的Julian Jessop提出了一个更为严肃的反对观点。
5、'The only consistent source of inflation in Western economies has been commodity prices, ' says Mr. Jessop.───杰瑟普说,西方经济体通胀的唯一一个持续根源就是大宗商品价格。
6、On Jan. 8, 1967, Murdoch's most dogged problem came into being, at Jessop Hospital in the northern England industrial city of Sheffield.───1967年1月8日,默多克的最顽强的问题应运而生,在杰索普医院在英格兰北部的工业城市谢菲尔德。
7、But Mr Jessop said investors generally regarded the G20 as a talking shop, with little influence on governments' decisions.───但杰瑟普表示,投资者通常将G20视为一个清谈俱乐部,该组织对政府决策没有多少影响力。
8、For small changes in interest rates, says Mr. Jessop, the income effect may dominate, but for large changes the substitution effect may be more important.───Jessop先生说,对于小的利率变化,收入作用占优势,但是大的利率变化下,替代作用则是重要的。
9、Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro tumbling to $1. 25 by year-end.───CapitalEconomics咨询公司驻伦敦首席国际经济学家杰索普 (Julian Jessop)认为欧元到年底将跌至1.25美元。
1、The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
2、The canal engineer William Jessop was largely responsible for this pioneering work which had been in prospect ever since the Stuart period.
3、Miss Jessop accompanied Mr Bentley on the piano.
4、Britain, according to Jessop etal., is moving towards a presidential system of government.
5、Seven cases were dismissed for various reasons at the civil hearing held before Sheriff Alexander Jessop.
n. (Jessop)人名;(英、意)杰索普
1、fairest lord jesus───最美丽的主YeSu
2、jesters masonic lodge───杰斯TeGong济会酒店
3、calcular porcentajes───计算百分比
4、jesters i laughed───我笑了
5、jesus Christ───n.YeSu,YeSu基督,基督
6、jest meaning───玩笑的意思
7、jesus is tempted by the devil───YeSu被魔鬼诱惑
8、jesselton mall───杰塞尔顿购物中心
9、jesters waukegan───杰斯特·沃基根
10、jester twitter───小丑推特
1、"The impact of the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts, " said Julian Jessop of Capital Economics.───伦敦资本经济 (Capital Economics)的朱利安•杰瑟普 (Julian Jessop)表示:“整体影响也许要大于各部分的总和。”
2、One gold bear, Julian Jessop, chief international economist of London research firm Capital Economics, changed his mind last week.───伦敦研究机构CapitalEconomics的首席国际经济学家杰索普 (Julian Jessop)曾是一名金价看跌者,上周他改变了看法。
3、Julian Jessop, economist at Capital Economics, predicts that December's Tic data represent a brief pause before China's purchases of Treasuries resume.───12月份的TIC数据,资本经济(Capital Economics)的朱利安·杰瑟普(Julian Jessop)认为,中国只是稍微歇了口气,不久还会继续买入美国国债。
4、A more serious objection is raised by Julian Jessop of Capital Economics.───资本经济学的Julian Jessop提出了一个更为严肃的反对观点。
5、'The only consistent source of inflation in Western economies has been commodity prices, ' says Mr. Jessop.───杰瑟普说,西方经济体通胀的唯一一个持续根源就是大宗商品价格。
6、On Jan. 8, 1967, Murdoch's most dogged problem came into being, at Jessop Hospital in the northern England industrial city of Sheffield.───1967年1月8日,默多克的最顽强的问题应运而生,在杰索普医院在英格兰北部的工业城市谢菲尔德。
7、But Mr Jessop said investors generally regarded the G20 as a talking shop, with little influence on governments' decisions.───但杰瑟普表示,投资者通常将G20视为一个清谈俱乐部,该组织对政府决策没有多少影响力。
8、For small changes in interest rates, says Mr. Jessop, the income effect may dominate, but for large changes the substitution effect may be more important.───Jessop先生说,对于小的利率变化,收入作用占优势,但是大的利率变化下,替代作用则是重要的。
9、Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro tumbling to $1. 25 by year-end.───CapitalEconomics咨询公司驻伦敦首席国际经济学家杰索普 (Julian Jessop)认为欧元到年底将跌至1.25美元。
1、The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
2、The canal engineer William Jessop was largely responsible for this pioneering work which had been in prospect ever since the Stuart period.
3、Miss Jessop accompanied Mr Bentley on the piano.
4、Britain, according to Jessop etal., is moving towards a presidential system of government.
5、Seven cases were dismissed for various reasons at the civil hearing held before Sheriff Alexander Jessop.