1、Step 2: Create and register a new layout.───步骤2:创建并注册一个新布局。
2、Step 3: Use the new layout as needed.───步骤3:根据需要使用新模板。
3、analyzing the transaction of the warehouse using EIQ method to provide the basis for the new layout of the warehouse.───运用EIQ分析法对一个月的仓库发货情况进行了分析,为将来新建仓库的布局提供依据。
4、To implement process improvement, new layout and overall production efficiency.───执行改善进程,新设计图和全面的生产效率;
5、We will be creating a new layout with these images so stay tuned for that within the next few days.───我们将这些图像创建一个新的布局与,以便该在接下来的几天内可以继续收看。
6、The site is described as "a new layout of New York Times news in reserve chronological order. "───这个站点被描述成“一个按照逆向时间顺序布局的NiuYueShiBao新版面。”
7、Produced by the power of the gun-type fire extinguishers, a new layout and design, packaging attractive.───所生产的枪式灭火器威力大,设计新颖,包装精美。
8、new layout.───新的布局安排就讲到这里。
9、Right-click the selected controls, point to Layout, and then click the layout type you want for the new layout.───右键单击选定的控件,指向“布局”,然后单击所需的新布局的布局类型。
new layout(英语使用场景)
1、The product is a unique formula, a new layout and design, and sound pollution-free new non-toxic adhesive .
2、It was not just the new layout of wide avenues and boulevards, the greenery, the light and the air.
3、Only after a period of observation of the new layout in use was it confirmed by rebuilding with permanent structures.
4、The bright new layout of the Wexford shop is a fare-runner of what every branch nationwide will look like in due course.
5、When the second car, 762 was rebuilt, a new layout with separate entrance and exit was included.
6、In addition, we designed the new device structure, the new layout and the new flow of the Static Induction Transistor (SIT).
7、A new layout of prestressed cables in concrete frame spandrel beams is present.
8、The new layout and office furniture worked like magic.
new layout(意思翻译)
new layout(相似词语短语)
1、bookshop layout───书店布局
2、brochure layout───宣传册布局
3、cookbook layout───食谱布局
4、print layout───打印布局
5、page layout───n.页面;页面布局
6、mansion layout───大厦布局
7、constraint layout───约束布局
8、keyboard layout───n.键盘布局
9、panel layout───屏板布置;面板布局;盘面设计
new layout(双语使用场景)
1、Step 2: Create and register a new layout.───步骤2:创建并注册一个新布局。
2、Step 3: Use the new layout as needed.───步骤3:根据需要使用新模板。
3、analyzing the transaction of the warehouse using EIQ method to provide the basis for the new layout of the warehouse.───运用EIQ分析法对一个月的仓库发货情况进行了分析,为将来新建仓库的布局提供依据。
4、To implement process improvement, new layout and overall production efficiency.───执行改善进程,新设计图和全面的生产效率;
5、We will be creating a new layout with these images so stay tuned for that within the next few days.───我们将这些图像创建一个新的布局与,以便该在接下来的几天内可以继续收看。
6、The site is described as "a new layout of New York Times news in reserve chronological order. "───这个站点被描述成“一个按照逆向时间顺序布局的NiuYueShiBao新版面。”
7、Produced by the power of the gun-type fire extinguishers, a new layout and design, packaging attractive.───所生产的枪式灭火器威力大,设计新颖,包装精美。
8、new layout.───新的布局安排就讲到这里。
9、Right-click the selected controls, point to Layout, and then click the layout type you want for the new layout.───右键单击选定的控件,指向“布局”,然后单击所需的新布局的布局类型。
new layout(英语使用场景)
1、The product is a unique formula, a new layout and design, and sound pollution-free new non-toxic adhesive .
2、It was not just the new layout of wide avenues and boulevards, the greenery, the light and the air.
3、Only after a period of observation of the new layout in use was it confirmed by rebuilding with permanent structures.
4、The bright new layout of the Wexford shop is a fare-runner of what every branch nationwide will look like in due course.
5、When the second car, 762 was rebuilt, a new layout with separate entrance and exit was included.
6、In addition, we designed the new device structure, the new layout and the new flow of the Static Induction Transistor (SIT).
7、A new layout of prestressed cables in concrete frame spandrel beams is present.
8、The new layout and office furniture worked like magic.