1、With all the talk of cuts, it is easy to forget that Germany's budget deficit will widen this year by 1.5-2% of GDP as the delayed effect of earlier stimulus measures comes through.───都在谈论财政紧缩,容易忘了这一点,因为先前通过的经济刺激措施的延迟效应,德国今年的预算赤字将扩大到占德国GDP的1.5-2%。
2、That's easy to forget, as budget battles rage and teacher performance is viewed through the cold metrics of the balance sheet.───这些是很容易遗忘的,因为预算之争甚嚣尘上,老师业绩仅以资产负载表的冷指标来衡量。
3、easy to design a museum.One has to think about its purpose, the people's taste, the budget, and so on.───设计一座博物馆并不容易,必须要考虑到其用途、当地人的品味、预算等等。
easy budget(意思翻译)
easy budget(相似词语短语)
1、annual budget───n.[财政]年度预算
3、budget day───预算日
4、operating budget───业务预算,活动经费预算,营业收支预算;[会计]营业预算;[会计]活动经费预算;[会计]业务收支预算
5、budget mom───预算mom
6、budget hotel───经济型酒店
7、budget for───为…作预算
8、balanced budget───[财政]平衡预算;平衡预算; 收支平衡
9、easy easy───放轻松放轻松
easy budget(双语使用场景)
1、With all the talk of cuts, it is easy to forget that Germany's budget deficit will widen this year by 1.5-2% of GDP as the delayed effect of earlier stimulus measures comes through.───都在谈论财政紧缩,容易忘了这一点,因为先前通过的经济刺激措施的延迟效应,德国今年的预算赤字将扩大到占德国GDP的1.5-2%。
2、That's easy to forget, as budget battles rage and teacher performance is viewed through the cold metrics of the balance sheet.───这些是很容易遗忘的,因为预算之争甚嚣尘上,老师业绩仅以资产负载表的冷指标来衡量。
3、easy to design a museum.One has to think about its purpose, the people's taste, the budget, and so on.───设计一座博物馆并不容易,必须要考虑到其用途、当地人的品味、预算等等。