1、Next to me, my co-host for today, the lovely Liu Xin.───我旁边的,我今天的搭档,可爱的刘欣。
2、My steady girlfriend eventually took me back – though our relationship had lost the lovely purity of its earlier years and would soon end forever.───我稳定的女朋友最终背叛了我,尽管我们的关系已经失去了它早期的爱情纯洁性,很快永远的结束了。
3、Love my grandma and grandpa, with beautiful handsome mom and dad and the lovely me.───有爱我的爷爷奶奶,有美丽帅气的爸爸妈妈还有可爱的我。
4、she was in the group and she impressed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughout the test.───她自始至终友好而可爱的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象。
the lovely me(意思翻译)
the lovely me(相似词语短语)
1、my lovely───我可爱的
3、lovely fruits───可爱的水果
4、very lovely───非常可爱
5、lovely fruit───可爱的水果
6、lovely rabbit───可爱的兔子
7、lovely smell───迷人的气味
8、lovely pig───可爱的猪
9、the lovely snow───可爱的雪
the lovely me(双语使用场景)
1、Next to me, my co-host for today, the lovely Liu Xin.───我旁边的,我今天的搭档,可爱的刘欣。
2、My steady girlfriend eventually took me back – though our relationship had lost the lovely purity of its earlier years and would soon end forever.───我稳定的女朋友最终背叛了我,尽管我们的关系已经失去了它早期的爱情纯洁性,很快永远的结束了。
3、Love my grandma and grandpa, with beautiful handsome mom and dad and the lovely me.───有爱我的爷爷奶奶,有美丽帅气的爸爸妈妈还有可爱的我。
4、she was in the group and she impressed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughout the test.───她自始至终友好而可爱的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象。