1、But the idea that the journalist must understand the law profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.───但是记者必须比普通民众更深刻的理解法律这一想法,是基于对已确定的惯例的理解和对新闻媒体的特殊尊重。
2、But the idea rests on all understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media───但是,这种观点是基于对新闻媒体的即定惯例和特殊职责的理解
3、First, identify the next phase by creating a new iteration, following your established naming conventions.───首先,通过创建一个新的迭代来识别下一个阶段,遵循您所建立的命名约定。
4、It's best to start with loose arrangements and established conventions; adding constraints, contracts and Central Control only where absolutely necessary.───最好由松散的协议和已建立的惯例作为起始点;只在绝对必要时才添加约束、契约和中央控制。
established conventions(意思翻译)
established conventions(相似词语短语)
1、established convention───既定惯例
2、established as───确立为…;使成为…
3、established artists───老牌艺术家
4、connection established───已建立连接
6、established company───知名公司
7、established off───建立
8、established practices───[经] 成规,惯例
9、well established───地位稳固的;树立起声誉的;得到确认的;完善生长
established conventions(双语使用场景)
1、But the idea that the journalist must understand the law profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.───但是记者必须比普通民众更深刻的理解法律这一想法,是基于对已确定的惯例的理解和对新闻媒体的特殊尊重。
2、But the idea rests on all understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media───但是,这种观点是基于对新闻媒体的即定惯例和特殊职责的理解
3、First, identify the next phase by creating a new iteration, following your established naming conventions.───首先,通过创建一个新的迭代来识别下一个阶段,遵循您所建立的命名约定。
4、It's best to start with loose arrangements and established conventions; adding constraints, contracts and Central Control only where absolutely necessary.───最好由松散的协议和已建立的惯例作为起始点;只在绝对必要时才添加约束、契约和中央控制。