1、result, this article is not only an article probing into how to improve the college students psychological quality but also a manual book for them to train their psychological quality their own.───因此,本文不仅是一篇探讨如何提高大学生心理素质的论文,更可以看作是大学生进行自我心理素质训练的指导手册。
this book is for the students(意思翻译)
this book is for the students(相似词语短语)
1、This is book───这是一本书
2、students book───学生用书
3、Is this the───是这个吗
4、this book───这本书
5、this is the───这就是
6、for students───对于学生
7、the students───学生
8、the book is───这本书是
9、this is my book───这是我的书
this book is for the students(双语使用场景)
1、result, this article is not only an article probing into how to improve the college students psychological quality but also a manual book for them to train their psychological quality their own.───因此,本文不仅是一篇探讨如何提高大学生心理素质的论文,更可以看作是大学生进行自我心理素质训练的指导手册。