1、For nations that owe money to foreigners, a long period of stagnation is likely to lead to at least partial default.───对向他国借债的国家来说,长时间的经济停滞多少会带来一定的拖欠现象。
2、Waithood refers to the period of stagnation in the lives of young unemployed college graduates, described as "prolonged adolescence" .───“等待成年期”指大学毕业、工作又没着落的年轻人经历的一个生活停滞期,被描述为“青春期后延”。
3、Japan shows another: a long period of stagnation in which debt constantly gnaws away at the economy like the eagle on Prometheus's liver.───而日本的现状则给出了另外一种可能性:由于债务就像叼食普罗米修斯肝脏的老鹰一样一点点PoHuai者经济结构而导致经济长时间的出现滞涨。
4、Now, unless panic spreads about euro zone banks, the fear is of a long period of stagnation in the developed world.───而现在,在恐慌还没有波及到欧元区银行之前,这种担忧也只停留在发达国家经济的长期停滞上。
5、This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation.───这个国家进入了一个长期不景气的时期。
6、With a new lease of life, this gives you the push you need to move things forward, ending a period of stagnation.───着新生,给你前进所需要的推动力,终止你的停滞阶段。
7、property market went through a period of stagnation in Scotland just before the last referendum.───上次公投之前,苏格兰房地产市场就出现了一段时间的停滞。
8、One example not to follow is Japan, which has suffered a long period of stagnation accompanied by ever-rising government-debt-to-GDP ratios.───一个不能效仿的例子就是日本,它经历了长时间的经济停滞,还伴随着一个不断增长的政府债务与国民生产总值比。
9、It was followed by a period of stagnation which, after the crash of 2008, turned into a process of disintegration.───然后就是一个停滞阶段,在2008年的BengPan之后,转而进入一个解体的进程。
period of stagnation(英语使用场景)
1、Poor economic policies led to a long period of stagnation and decline.
period of stagnation(意思翻译)
period of stagnation(相似词语短语)
1、cerium period───铈周期
2、secular stagnation───长期性经济停滞,持续停滞
3、the period of───……时期
4、period of time───一段时间;时段;n.时段,一段时间
5、period of───期间
6、stagnation pressure───[流]滞止压力,[流]驻点压力;滞点压力; 滞止压力; 总压; 驻点压力
7、a period of───一个……时期;一段……时间;阵子
8、wage stagnation───工资停滞
period of stagnation(双语使用场景)
1、For nations that owe money to foreigners, a long period of stagnation is likely to lead to at least partial default.───对向他国借债的国家来说,长时间的经济停滞多少会带来一定的拖欠现象。
2、Waithood refers to the period of stagnation in the lives of young unemployed college graduates, described as "prolonged adolescence" .───“等待成年期”指大学毕业、工作又没着落的年轻人经历的一个生活停滞期,被描述为“青春期后延”。
3、Japan shows another: a long period of stagnation in which debt constantly gnaws away at the economy like the eagle on Prometheus's liver.───而日本的现状则给出了另外一种可能性:由于债务就像叼食普罗米修斯肝脏的老鹰一样一点点PoHuai者经济结构而导致经济长时间的出现滞涨。
4、Now, unless panic spreads about euro zone banks, the fear is of a long period of stagnation in the developed world.───而现在,在恐慌还没有波及到欧元区银行之前,这种担忧也只停留在发达国家经济的长期停滞上。
5、This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation.───这个国家进入了一个长期不景气的时期。
6、With a new lease of life, this gives you the push you need to move things forward, ending a period of stagnation.───着新生,给你前进所需要的推动力,终止你的停滞阶段。
7、property market went through a period of stagnation in Scotland just before the last referendum.───上次公投之前,苏格兰房地产市场就出现了一段时间的停滞。
8、One example not to follow is Japan, which has suffered a long period of stagnation accompanied by ever-rising government-debt-to-GDP ratios.───一个不能效仿的例子就是日本,它经历了长时间的经济停滞,还伴随着一个不断增长的政府债务与国民生产总值比。
9、It was followed by a period of stagnation which, after the crash of 2008, turned into a process of disintegration.───然后就是一个停滞阶段,在2008年的BengPan之后,转而进入一个解体的进程。
period of stagnation(英语使用场景)
1、Poor economic policies led to a long period of stagnation and decline.