1、The SEM observation considered that the pulverization and oxidation of hydrogen storage alloys during charge discharge cycles was a important factor of the degradation of MH electrodes.───扫描电镜(SEM)观察认为,贮氢合金在充放电过程中的不断粉化和氧化是贮氢电极失效的主要原因。
2、Objective to explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.───目的探索听觉传导通路中听神经和下丘的单位放电记录并对其反应特性进行观察。
3、key points for the success of operation are paying attention to observation and nursing for wound discharge, prevention of infection and strengthening functional exercise for affected extremity.───注意伤口渗液的观察和处理,防治感染和加强重建肢体功能锻炼是手术成功的关键。
discharge observation(意思翻译)
discharge observation(相似词语短语)
1、corollary discharge───推测放电
2、under observation───受到观察;在监视下;在观察中,在监视下
3、static discharge───静电放电
4、anecdotal observation───轶事观察
5、observation tower───瞭望塔
6、whitish discharge───白色放电
7、observation post───观测所;[军]观察哨;观察所
8、observation───n.观察; 监视; 评论;n.观察;监视;观察报告
discharge observation(双语使用场景)
1、The SEM observation considered that the pulverization and oxidation of hydrogen storage alloys during charge discharge cycles was a important factor of the degradation of MH electrodes.───扫描电镜(SEM)观察认为,贮氢合金在充放电过程中的不断粉化和氧化是贮氢电极失效的主要原因。
2、Objective to explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.───目的探索听觉传导通路中听神经和下丘的单位放电记录并对其反应特性进行观察。
3、key points for the success of operation are paying attention to observation and nursing for wound discharge, prevention of infection and strengthening functional exercise for affected extremity.───注意伤口渗液的观察和处理,防治感染和加强重建肢体功能锻炼是手术成功的关键。