1、construction of ship refrigerated provision store has been transformed from traditional hand-making method to advanced methods such as molded plate assembling and prefabrication.───船舶日用食物储存冷库(以下简称冷库)的建造,已经从船厂的传统手工建造方法逐步走向成型板材拼装、预装工厂化等先进的制造方法。
2、After partial functional testing, the solution can be applied to refrigerated containers' monitoring in the yard and the ship.───经过部分功能性测试证实,该解决方案可以应用到冷藏集装箱在堆场和船舶的温度监控中。
refrigerated ship(意思翻译)
refrigerated ship(相似词语短语)
2、ship names───船名
3、refrigerated vans───冷藏货车
4、ship name───船名
5、bitts ship───三角帆船
6、cachalot ship───卡恰洛特船
7、ship out───(用船)运出; (海员)外出;运出;坐船到国外去
8、ship back───用船运回来
9、ship up───上船
refrigerated ship(双语使用场景)
1、construction of ship refrigerated provision store has been transformed from traditional hand-making method to advanced methods such as molded plate assembling and prefabrication.───船舶日用食物储存冷库(以下简称冷库)的建造,已经从船厂的传统手工建造方法逐步走向成型板材拼装、预装工厂化等先进的制造方法。
2、After partial functional testing, the solution can be applied to refrigerated containers' monitoring in the yard and the ship.───经过部分功能性测试证实,该解决方案可以应用到冷藏集装箱在堆场和船舶的温度监控中。
3、supply ship refrigerated ship bulk carrier captain bosun chief engineer───船用涂装术语供应船冷藏船散装货船船长水手长轮机长