1、Sunrays filtered whatever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.───阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。
2、Note also the dark blue area under the paste, which is not consistent with the sunrays coming from the Sun.───也要注意剪接图像下面的蓝SeQu域,它与来自太阳的光线是不一致的。
3、There must be something, in the breeze, when misty May breathes fragrance, windows half open, and sunrays shed golden pattern.───一定会有什么,在轻轻的微风里;当温润的五月吐露芬芳,窗半开,阳光投进金色的图案…
4、Sunrays filtered in wherever driving out darkness and choking the shadow. they could, ?───阳光摄入了他所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。
5、Red represents the Sun and sunrays.───红色是代表太阳和太阳的光辉。
6、People wear sunscreen to prevent damage from sunrays but unfortunately they may be causing more harm than good.───涂抹防晒霜本来是为了保护皮肤防止紫外线的,但带来的弊端可能远远大于益处。
7、The sunrays are outside my window.───阳光在我的窗外。
8、And sunrays shed golden pattern.───阳光送进金色的图案。
9、Red represents the sun and sunrays.───红色是代表太阳和太阳的光辉。
1、in zhe sun───在太阳底下
2、see the sunrise───看日出
3、theophilus sunday───提奥菲勒斯星期日
4、pacta sunt servanda───条约是遵守的
5、westerly sun───西风太阳
6、Is it sunny───天气晴朗吗
7、eclipsed sun───日食
8、the sun───n.太阳报;阳;东曦;太阳
9、ee samsung watch───ee三星手表
10、enjoy your sun───享受你的阳光
1、Sunrays filtered whatever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.───阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。
2、Note also the dark blue area under the paste, which is not consistent with the sunrays coming from the Sun.───也要注意剪接图像下面的蓝SeQu域,它与来自太阳的光线是不一致的。
3、There must be something, in the breeze, when misty May breathes fragrance, windows half open, and sunrays shed golden pattern.───一定会有什么,在轻轻的微风里;当温润的五月吐露芬芳,窗半开,阳光投进金色的图案…
4、Sunrays filtered in wherever driving out darkness and choking the shadow. they could, ?───阳光摄入了他所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。
5、Red represents the Sun and sunrays.───红色是代表太阳和太阳的光辉。
6、People wear sunscreen to prevent damage from sunrays but unfortunately they may be causing more harm than good.───涂抹防晒霜本来是为了保护皮肤防止紫外线的,但带来的弊端可能远远大于益处。
7、The sunrays are outside my window.───阳光在我的窗外。
8、And sunrays shed golden pattern.───阳光送进金色的图案。
9、Red represents the sun and sunrays.───红色是代表太阳和太阳的光辉。