1、It seems only fair that they should give us something in return.───似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。
2、Enterprise culture buffer analysis showed that only in a fair and independent variables, so as to the corporate culture of autonomy fair return equation, and individual ACTS of interaction.───企业文化的缓冲作用分析表明,只有在以自主公平做因变量时企业文化进入自主公平回归方程,与个体行为发生了交互作用。
3、The company's "final responsibility" is to shareholders, who "should realize a fair return, " so long as J& J abides by its credo.───公司“最后要对”每一位股东负责;只要强生认真奉行这些宗旨,股东们“就能得到公平合理的回报”。
4、perfect solutions to our customers , not just hardware products and accessories , the shareholders should realize a fair return.───不但向我们客户提供五金产品和其它配件的完善解决方案,而且使股东们和员工们荻得合理的回报。
5、Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keep us from maintaining full productivity.───那些有工作的人,也 因税收的缘故而得不到公正的劳动报酬,因为税收使我们无法在事业上取得成功, 使我们无法保持充分的生产力。
6、In order to add such an area to the property you may have to sacrifice storage areas, but these spaces have a fair return on investment.───为了增加这一地区的财产,你可能需要牺牲储存区,但这些空间有一个公平的投资回报。
7、Of course, mining companies need to get a fair return on their investments.───诚然,矿业公司需要从其投资中获得合理回报。
8、To determine a fair return for bearing the correlation risks, the investors must be able to measure these risks.───投资人必须去衡量这些风险,才能正确的去决定各层的公平价值。
fair return(英语使用场景)
1、Well, with any luck she'd get a fair return on her outlay, in deep satisfaction.
2、It mainly includes: cockfighting, pan making, childhood hoop, country fair return, knife and scissor grinding, barber, sugar ball sale and dough figure making.
fair return(意思翻译)
fair return(相似词语短语)
2、shareholder return───股东报酬;股东回报
3、scarborough fair───斯卡布罗集市(歌曲名)
4、financial return───财政收益
5、by return───立即回答,立即回复;由下一班邮递带回;由原班回程邮递带回
7、return back───返回
8、tax return───[税收]纳税申报单;n.纳税申报单
9、fair well───很好
fair return(双语使用场景)
1、It seems only fair that they should give us something in return.───似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。
2、Enterprise culture buffer analysis showed that only in a fair and independent variables, so as to the corporate culture of autonomy fair return equation, and individual ACTS of interaction.───企业文化的缓冲作用分析表明,只有在以自主公平做因变量时企业文化进入自主公平回归方程,与个体行为发生了交互作用。
3、The company's "final responsibility" is to shareholders, who "should realize a fair return, " so long as J& J abides by its credo.───公司“最后要对”每一位股东负责;只要强生认真奉行这些宗旨,股东们“就能得到公平合理的回报”。
4、perfect solutions to our customers , not just hardware products and accessories , the shareholders should realize a fair return.───不但向我们客户提供五金产品和其它配件的完善解决方案,而且使股东们和员工们荻得合理的回报。
5、Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keep us from maintaining full productivity.───那些有工作的人,也 因税收的缘故而得不到公正的劳动报酬,因为税收使我们无法在事业上取得成功, 使我们无法保持充分的生产力。
6、In order to add such an area to the property you may have to sacrifice storage areas, but these spaces have a fair return on investment.───为了增加这一地区的财产,你可能需要牺牲储存区,但这些空间有一个公平的投资回报。
7、Of course, mining companies need to get a fair return on their investments.───诚然,矿业公司需要从其投资中获得合理回报。
8、To determine a fair return for bearing the correlation risks, the investors must be able to measure these risks.───投资人必须去衡量这些风险,才能正确的去决定各层的公平价值。
fair return(英语使用场景)
1、Well, with any luck she'd get a fair return on her outlay, in deep satisfaction.
2、It mainly includes: cockfighting, pan making, childhood hoop, country fair return, knife and scissor grinding, barber, sugar ball sale and dough figure making.