1、glazed wall on the north elevation offers expansive views while enabling ample natural light to penetrate the interior.───北立面的玻璃隔断提供了广阔的视野,使足够的自然光能够进入室内。
2、as a showcase for the faculty, the building features a large ground-level window on its street-facing elevation, offering views through to an exhibition space and the courtyard beyond.───作为校园的一个形象展示,建筑临街面首层设置了大面积的落地窗,使人们能够透过室外庭院看到建筑内的展览空间。
3、Responding to the views from the new high-rise towers surrounding the park, the building's Green Roof is designed as a fifth elevation, integrating with the building features and park setting.───迎合公园周边高层的视角,水上中心的绿色屋顶被营造成建筑的第五立面,使得整个建筑和公园周围环境融为一体。
elevation views(意思翻译)
elevation views(相似词语短语)
1、elevation view───[机]正视图,垂直投影;[建]立视图
3、elevation step───升降台阶
4、elevation map───高度图
5、differing views───不同的观点
7、sea views───海景
8、breathtaking views───令人叹为观止的景色
9、unconventional views───新颖的观点
elevation views(双语使用场景)
1、glazed wall on the north elevation offers expansive views while enabling ample natural light to penetrate the interior.───北立面的玻璃隔断提供了广阔的视野,使足够的自然光能够进入室内。
2、as a showcase for the faculty, the building features a large ground-level window on its street-facing elevation, offering views through to an exhibition space and the courtyard beyond.───作为校园的一个形象展示,建筑临街面首层设置了大面积的落地窗,使人们能够透过室外庭院看到建筑内的展览空间。
3、Responding to the views from the new high-rise towers surrounding the park, the building's Green Roof is designed as a fifth elevation, integrating with the building features and park setting.───迎合公园周边高层的视角,水上中心的绿色屋顶被营造成建筑的第五立面,使得整个建筑和公园周围环境融为一体。