1、Before I could tell my truth to the world, I had to come to a moment when I would find inner acceptance and tranquillity.───在我向世人说出真相之前,我必须自己先接受这些真相、并在内心得到平静。
2、Before I could tell my truth to the world, I had to come to a moment when I would find inner acceptance and tranquillity.───我向世人说出真相之前,我必须自己先接受这些真相、并在内心得到平静。
3、As alluded to a moment ago, sex education and information about condom use should not be dispensed in one quick session.───刚刚说到性教育和安全套的使用信息不应该在简短的讨论中被忽略。
4、History and geography have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision.───历史和地理情况共同将该国带到了做决定的时刻。
5、And in last month's issue of her magazine, Oprah Winfrey confessed to a "moment" she had last summer.───奥普拉·温芙芮在她上个月出刊的杂志中也说过,去年夏天她也有过一次美妙的时刻。
6、room was airy, the water excellent, and the dawn had called me to a moment.───的房间、清凉的水,还有黎明拂晓时的美好片刻。
7、He looked round, seeing is a camion and the parachuter that still stands to a moment ago jumped down completely on the side of car.───他回头看了一眼,看见是一辆军用卡车而且车辆的旁边还站满刚才跳下来的伞兵。
8、Think back to a moment in your life when you felt like a million bucks.───回想起自己人生最健康快乐的某时刻。
9、It is an illustration of the imperfections in our institutions which I referred to a moment ago.───刚才我说我们制度不健全,其中也包括这个在内。
to a moment(英语使用场景)
1、He urged delay to a moment when the provocation would be clearer.
2、For Crespi, getting lost in natural space led to a moment of chagrin followed by an act of substitution.
3、He looked round, seeing is a camion and the parachuter that still stands to a moment ago jumped down completely on the side of car.
4、History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.
5、The boy I spoke to a moment ago is the son of my employer.
6、The birth of the civil rights movement is often dated to a moment in 1955 when Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give up her seat on a crowded city bus to a white man.
to a moment(意思翻译)
to a moment(相似词语短语)
1、take a moment───v.花一些时间
2、at a moment───一会儿
3、like a moment───就像一瞬间
4、in a moment───一会儿,立刻,马上; 须臾之间; 眼看; 弹指之间
6、to the moment───adv.恰好;恰好,分秒不差地
7、have a moment───请稍等
8、rhave a moment───请稍等片刻
9、a moment ago───刚才,片刻之前;刚才; 将才
to a moment(双语使用场景)
1、Before I could tell my truth to the world, I had to come to a moment when I would find inner acceptance and tranquillity.───在我向世人说出真相之前,我必须自己先接受这些真相、并在内心得到平静。
2、Before I could tell my truth to the world, I had to come to a moment when I would find inner acceptance and tranquillity.───我向世人说出真相之前,我必须自己先接受这些真相、并在内心得到平静。
3、As alluded to a moment ago, sex education and information about condom use should not be dispensed in one quick session.───刚刚说到性教育和安全套的使用信息不应该在简短的讨论中被忽略。
4、History and geography have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision.───历史和地理情况共同将该国带到了做决定的时刻。
5、And in last month's issue of her magazine, Oprah Winfrey confessed to a "moment" she had last summer.───奥普拉·温芙芮在她上个月出刊的杂志中也说过,去年夏天她也有过一次美妙的时刻。
6、room was airy, the water excellent, and the dawn had called me to a moment.───的房间、清凉的水,还有黎明拂晓时的美好片刻。
7、He looked round, seeing is a camion and the parachuter that still stands to a moment ago jumped down completely on the side of car.───他回头看了一眼,看见是一辆军用卡车而且车辆的旁边还站满刚才跳下来的伞兵。
8、Think back to a moment in your life when you felt like a million bucks.───回想起自己人生最健康快乐的某时刻。
9、It is an illustration of the imperfections in our institutions which I referred to a moment ago.───刚才我说我们制度不健全,其中也包括这个在内。
to a moment(英语使用场景)
1、He urged delay to a moment when the provocation would be clearer.
2、For Crespi, getting lost in natural space led to a moment of chagrin followed by an act of substitution.
3、He looked round, seeing is a camion and the parachuter that still stands to a moment ago jumped down completely on the side of car.
4、History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.
5、The boy I spoke to a moment ago is the son of my employer.
6、The birth of the civil rights movement is often dated to a moment in 1955 when Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give up her seat on a crowded city bus to a white man.