1、Currencies were readily interchangeable, gold anchored exchange rates and the physical supply of gold stabilized the money supply over the long term.───货币之间易于互换、黄金本位的汇率和黄金的实物供应量在很长时间内维持了货币供应量的稳定。
2、High power factor stabilized voltage supply is a kind of high performance alternating current power supply which can not only steady the output voltage but also enhance the input power factor.───高功率因数稳压电源是一种既能起到稳压作用又可以提高电源输入端功率因数的高性能交流电源。
3、Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement───测量用稳定电源装置
4、DC high speed magnetic amplifier stabilized supply───快速磁放大器直流稳压电源
5、Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement; definitions, expression and testing of performance───测量用稳压电源;概念.参数说明与检验
6、AMD. The company now tells us 40-nm yields at TSMC have stabilized, and supply of 5800-series cards should ramp up from here.───AMD官方确认,台积电公司40nm制程工艺的良率已趋于稳定 ,而尽管AMD/ATI公司的HD5800系列显卡的价格仍保持在较高的水平,但其供货量已经恢复到了正常的水平。
stabilized supply(意思翻译)
stabilized supply(相似词语短语)
1、restaurant supply───餐厅供应
2、steady supply───稳定供给
3、crabbing supply───螃蟹供应
4、supply price───[物价]供应价格,供给价格
5、supply chain───n.供应链;供应链;供给链;供需链
6、supply monitor───电源JianKongQi
8、forestry supply───林业供给
9、guest supply───客人用品
stabilized supply(双语使用场景)
1、Currencies were readily interchangeable, gold anchored exchange rates and the physical supply of gold stabilized the money supply over the long term.───货币之间易于互换、黄金本位的汇率和黄金的实物供应量在很长时间内维持了货币供应量的稳定。
2、High power factor stabilized voltage supply is a kind of high performance alternating current power supply which can not only steady the output voltage but also enhance the input power factor.───高功率因数稳压电源是一种既能起到稳压作用又可以提高电源输入端功率因数的高性能交流电源。
3、Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement───测量用稳定电源装置
4、DC high speed magnetic amplifier stabilized supply───快速磁放大器直流稳压电源
5、Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement; definitions, expression and testing of performance───测量用稳压电源;概念.参数说明与检验
6、AMD. The company now tells us 40-nm yields at TSMC have stabilized, and supply of 5800-series cards should ramp up from here.───AMD官方确认,台积电公司40nm制程工艺的良率已趋于稳定 ,而尽管AMD/ATI公司的HD5800系列显卡的价格仍保持在较高的水平,但其供货量已经恢复到了正常的水平。