1、With credit abundantly available, getting what you want right away, regardless of whether you have the cash to pay for it, is common practice.───随着信用卡的大量普及,对许多人来说,不管自己是否有现金支付能力,立即就把想要的东西拿到手是司空见惯的事了。
2、Or, you might be building a factory and you can't pay the money back right away.───或者你要建一个工厂,这样你不可能借了钱马上就还。
3、They make decisions quickly and pay right away.───她们很快就做出决定,并且当场付钱。
4、When the client continues to insist that she cannot pay you right away, replace one of your offers with a new offer that extends your payment by 90 days.───如果你的客人还是坚持不接受,那么把其中一个选择替换成可以延期支付90天的报价。
pay right away(意思翻译)
pay right away(相似词语短语)
1、pay packet───n.(附工资及工资单的)工资袋,工资,薪水;n.(附工资及工资单的)[劳经]工资袋(等于payenvelope);薪水
2、unequal pay───不平等报酬
3、right away───立刻,马上; 就; 当时
5、pay bills───工资单;还账
6、right right right───对,对,对
7、bussing pay───巴士费
8、away away───走开
9、pay───n.工资,薪水;付款;报答;vi.付款;偿还;vt.支付,付;偿还,补偿;给予;v.付款; 偿还; 盈利; 划算; 付代价;adj.收费的;需付费的;n.薪水
pay right away(双语使用场景)
1、With credit abundantly available, getting what you want right away, regardless of whether you have the cash to pay for it, is common practice.───随着信用卡的大量普及,对许多人来说,不管自己是否有现金支付能力,立即就把想要的东西拿到手是司空见惯的事了。
2、Or, you might be building a factory and you can't pay the money back right away.───或者你要建一个工厂,这样你不可能借了钱马上就还。
3、They make decisions quickly and pay right away.───她们很快就做出决定,并且当场付钱。
4、When the client continues to insist that she cannot pay you right away, replace one of your offers with a new offer that extends your payment by 90 days.───如果你的客人还是坚持不接受,那么把其中一个选择替换成可以延期支付90天的报价。