1、Piping runs joined to the flanges must be installed in a straight line position to the flange to avoid stress at the flange due to misalignment.───如果管道要联接到法兰上,必须以直线方向安装到法兰上,避免由于没有对准而对法兰产生压力。
2、When I shut off the assembly line position, and when I need to set the order?───当我下线时我需要关闭头寸和已设置的订单吗?
3、Freshly back from his trip to China, Mr Sarkozy set the tone for the hard- line position he intends to adopt towards the rioters.───萨科齐刚从对中国的国事访问回来,他声明了他对付这些BaoLuan者打算采取的强硬立场。
4、Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class with the specified message, inner exception, line number, and line position.───用指定的消息、内部异常、行号和行位置初始化XmlException类的新实例。
5、Gets or sets the line position in the file to which the.───元素引用的文件中的行位置。
6、These conditional compilation directives can hide code by turning off the emission of debug symbols and resetting the line position.───这些条件式编译指示词可以“隐藏”程序码,方法为关闭侦错符号的发出并重设行位置。
7、The invention relates to a method for measuring the unit width discharge of a vertical line position in a river and the river discharge.───本发明涉及了一种测量河流中某垂线位置单位宽度流量及河流流量的方法。
8、These conditional compilation directives can "hide" code by turning off the emission of debug symbols and resetting the line position.───这些条件编译指令可以通过关闭调试符号的显示并重置行位置来“隐藏”代码。
9、All conflicts should be solved through negotiation without taking a hard- line position.───所有冲突,该用谈判方式解决,不可采取强硬立场。
line position(英语使用场景)
1、In addition , this article has also suggested realizing on - line position detecting in process printing.
2、This is single arm drill elementary starting up with a good stream line position. left arm moving? and you notice Lindsay keeps a good line looking at the bottom of the pool.
3、This paper deals with a displace of focusing line position which is caused by change of solar hour angle when a long axis of FMSC is placed in east-west direction.
line position(意思翻译)
line position(相似词语短语)
1、lotus position───n.(佛教)莲花坐(一种盘腿坐姿)
2、line line───线条线条
3、funic position───funic位置
4、adjourned position───封棋局面
5、change position───交换位置
7、position absolute───绝对位置
8、missionary position───n.传教士式TiWei,男上女下式TiWei;传教士式TiWei (Xing Jiao)
9、gesture position───手势姿势
line position(双语使用场景)
1、Piping runs joined to the flanges must be installed in a straight line position to the flange to avoid stress at the flange due to misalignment.───如果管道要联接到法兰上,必须以直线方向安装到法兰上,避免由于没有对准而对法兰产生压力。
2、When I shut off the assembly line position, and when I need to set the order?───当我下线时我需要关闭头寸和已设置的订单吗?
3、Freshly back from his trip to China, Mr Sarkozy set the tone for the hard- line position he intends to adopt towards the rioters.───萨科齐刚从对中国的国事访问回来,他声明了他对付这些BaoLuan者打算采取的强硬立场。
4、Initializes a new instance of the XmlException class with the specified message, inner exception, line number, and line position.───用指定的消息、内部异常、行号和行位置初始化XmlException类的新实例。
5、Gets or sets the line position in the file to which the.───元素引用的文件中的行位置。
6、These conditional compilation directives can hide code by turning off the emission of debug symbols and resetting the line position.───这些条件式编译指示词可以“隐藏”程序码,方法为关闭侦错符号的发出并重设行位置。
7、The invention relates to a method for measuring the unit width discharge of a vertical line position in a river and the river discharge.───本发明涉及了一种测量河流中某垂线位置单位宽度流量及河流流量的方法。
8、These conditional compilation directives can "hide" code by turning off the emission of debug symbols and resetting the line position.───这些条件编译指令可以通过关闭调试符号的显示并重置行位置来“隐藏”代码。
9、All conflicts should be solved through negotiation without taking a hard- line position.───所有冲突,该用谈判方式解决,不可采取强硬立场。
line position(英语使用场景)
1、In addition , this article has also suggested realizing on - line position detecting in process printing.
2、This is single arm drill elementary starting up with a good stream line position. left arm moving? and you notice Lindsay keeps a good line looking at the bottom of the pool.
3、This paper deals with a displace of focusing line position which is caused by change of solar hour angle when a long axis of FMSC is placed in east-west direction.
4、You're going in a nice stream line position.