1、The Mormon church retorts that an ill-educated farm boy such as he could not simply have made up so sublime a work as the Book of Mormon.───MoMenJiao会反驳说,像他这么一个没有受过良好教育的农村男孩是不可能做出像是编造《摩门经》这样的伟大事业。
2、Bettina is also drawn into the court intrigue but then runs away with her boyfriend who had originally been a farm boy with her.───剧中贝蒂娜还被卷入了一场宫廷阴谋,但随后就与曾和她一起在农场做工的男友一同逃脱。
3、As you can see, the farm boy from Tattooine has been working out quite a bit since his debut in 1977!───如你所见那样,自其1977年首次登场以来,这个来自塔图因 (Tattooine)的农家男孩已经颇有些改头换面了!
4、If she has to go out, look for a farm boy.───要是她一定要出去玩,找一个农村来的男孩。
5、Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star.───记住,最终摧毁死星的人只是一名来自沙漠星球的农场男孩。
6、The daydreaming farm boy that plunges into a galaxy of adventure was a role filled by Annikin Starkiller in these early drafts.───在这些早期草稿里,那个喜欢做白日梦,后来投身银河系冒险的农家男孩角色名叫安尼金·弑星者。
7、I was a farm boy and at the time I would have had a deferment from the draft as an only farm son.───我是一个农场男孩,那时候作为仅有的一个农场男孩我可以得到延期。
8、If she has to go out, look for a farm boy. He may be a hick, but she can trust him a whole lot more.───如果她不得不去,就找个农村里来的一起,他可能是个XiangBaLao,但是她可以完完全全地信任他。
farm boy(意思翻译)
farm boy(相似词语短语)
1、boy boy boy───男孩男孩男孩
2、farm house───农舍
3、boy to boy───男孩对男孩
4、whiffletree farm───whiffletree农场
6、farm to farm───农场到农场
7、animal farm───畜牧场; 囿;动物庄园(英国作家乔治欧·威尔创作的一部短篇小说名);[畜牧]畜牧场
9、king farm───国王农场
farm boy(双语使用场景)
1、The Mormon church retorts that an ill-educated farm boy such as he could not simply have made up so sublime a work as the Book of Mormon.───MoMenJiao会反驳说,像他这么一个没有受过良好教育的农村男孩是不可能做出像是编造《摩门经》这样的伟大事业。
2、Bettina is also drawn into the court intrigue but then runs away with her boyfriend who had originally been a farm boy with her.───剧中贝蒂娜还被卷入了一场宫廷阴谋,但随后就与曾和她一起在农场做工的男友一同逃脱。
3、As you can see, the farm boy from Tattooine has been working out quite a bit since his debut in 1977!───如你所见那样,自其1977年首次登场以来,这个来自塔图因 (Tattooine)的农家男孩已经颇有些改头换面了!
4、If she has to go out, look for a farm boy.───要是她一定要出去玩,找一个农村来的男孩。
5、Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star.───记住,最终摧毁死星的人只是一名来自沙漠星球的农场男孩。
6、The daydreaming farm boy that plunges into a galaxy of adventure was a role filled by Annikin Starkiller in these early drafts.───在这些早期草稿里,那个喜欢做白日梦,后来投身银河系冒险的农家男孩角色名叫安尼金·弑星者。
7、I was a farm boy and at the time I would have had a deferment from the draft as an only farm son.───我是一个农场男孩,那时候作为仅有的一个农场男孩我可以得到延期。
8、If she has to go out, look for a farm boy. He may be a hick, but she can trust him a whole lot more.───如果她不得不去,就找个农村里来的一起,他可能是个XiangBaLao,但是她可以完完全全地信任他。