1、If, on the other hand, you decide to import a piece of clip art, although the function is related to the goal of producing a good drawing, the tools used are not immediately related to drawing.───另一方面,如果用户决定导入一幅剪贴画,尽管这项功能与创建一幅好画的目标有关,但它所用的工具与画图无关。
2、To access the Import Settings, select the Audio Clip in the Project View and find the Audio Importer in the Inspector.───要进入导入设置,在项目视图中选择音频剪辑,在检视视图中找到音频导入选项。
import clip(意思翻译)
import clip(相似词语短语)
2、import definition───导入定义
3、import tariffs───进口关税(importtariff的复数)
4、import data───[计] 输入数据
6、import bother───导入麻烦
7、import bookmarks───导入书签
8、journal import───日记帐导入
9、import python───导入python
import clip(双语使用场景)
1、If, on the other hand, you decide to import a piece of clip art, although the function is related to the goal of producing a good drawing, the tools used are not immediately related to drawing.───另一方面,如果用户决定导入一幅剪贴画,尽管这项功能与创建一幅好画的目标有关,但它所用的工具与画图无关。
2、To access the Import Settings, select the Audio Clip in the Project View and find the Audio Importer in the Inspector.───要进入导入设置,在项目视图中选择音频剪辑,在检视视图中找到音频导入选项。