1、analyzes the combustion characteristic of the LPG engine based on the curve of the heat release rate, and puts forward the measure of improving the performance of the LPG engine.───的放热规律曲线分析了液化石油气发动机的燃烧特性,并提出了改善液化石油气发动机的性能的措施。
2、The optimal economic working zone and economic curve were defined and compared with traditional internal combustion engine driving plunger pump.───定义了XiTong最佳经济性工作区域和最佳经济曲线,并与传统内燃机驱动柱塞泵XiTong进行比较。
3、By analyzing the temperature curve of sample combustion, it shows that the experimental result is accurate and reliable.───从样品燃烧的温度变化曲线可判断实验结果是可靠的。
combustion curve(意思翻译)
combustion curve(相似词语短语)
1、internal combustion───内燃(烧)
3、combustion air───[热]助燃空气;[热]燃烧空气
4、stupidity curve───愚蠢曲线
5、audibility curve───可听度曲线
6、combustion tube───[分化]燃烧管;纵火筒
7、spontaneous combustion───n.自燃
9、combustion chamber───燃烧室; 炉膛;[动力]燃烧室
combustion curve(双语使用场景)
1、analyzes the combustion characteristic of the LPG engine based on the curve of the heat release rate, and puts forward the measure of improving the performance of the LPG engine.───的放热规律曲线分析了液化石油气发动机的燃烧特性,并提出了改善液化石油气发动机的性能的措施。
2、The optimal economic working zone and economic curve were defined and compared with traditional internal combustion engine driving plunger pump.───定义了XiTong最佳经济性工作区域和最佳经济曲线,并与传统内燃机驱动柱塞泵XiTong进行比较。
3、By analyzing the temperature curve of sample combustion, it shows that the experimental result is accurate and reliable.───从样品燃烧的温度变化曲线可判断实验结果是可靠的。