1、Lomas, too, believes the US failure to save Lehman proved costly.───洛马斯也认为,美国因未能挽救雷曼兄弟而付出了高昂代价。
2、Many relate to past guarantees that the former parent company issued to its global subsidiaries, Mr Lomas said.───许多项目都涉及前母公司以前对其全球子公司做出的担保。
3、Although her art has an innocent earnestness and folkloric affinity, Lomas Garza's expression is neither naive nor instinctive.───尽管她的艺术天真、诚挚并与民间艺术有极深的渊源,洛玛斯·加扎的表现手法却绝不幼稚也并不是仅仅出于本能。
4、Gieve was getting the same message as Lomas: Lehman was at risk of going down.───基弗接到的消息与洛马斯相同:雷曼有倒塌的风险。
5、The Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter, is being logged despite its protected status.───在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,虽然该地区属保护区,但还是未能免遭PoHuai。
6、While Lomas was beavering away a dejected Diamond was going for dinner with his wife and daughter in Manhattan.───当洛马斯在拼命工作的时候,在曼哈顿,神情沮丧的戴蒙德正和妻子女儿一起前去吃饭。
7、Lomas spent Monday trying to find a way of paying 5, 500 Lehman staff, as its funds had been swept to New York on Friday night.───周一,洛马斯用了整整一天时间竭力寻找支付整个雷曼公司5500名员工薪水的办法。因为就在周五晚上,雷曼的资金已经全部被席卷到了纽约。
8、Illegal logging is destroying the Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter.───在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,而非法砍伐严重PoHuai了该地区的生态平衡。
1、Lomas, for instance, finds his pleasure in wishful thinking about the war.
2、The biggest name is left tackle Lomas Brown, who came from Detroit.
3、Bankers now average an hour and a half at table in a sushi restaurant in the swanky Lomas de Chapultepec district and rarely drink more than a glass of sake, the manager says.
4、It was 2pm and Lomas and his hit squad from PWC were already combing the floors of Lehman's headquarters at Canary Wharf.
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4、upland lowlife───高地低地生物
5、cataloguer definition───编目员定义
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1、Lomas, too, believes the US failure to save Lehman proved costly.───洛马斯也认为,美国因未能挽救雷曼兄弟而付出了高昂代价。
2、Many relate to past guarantees that the former parent company issued to its global subsidiaries, Mr Lomas said.───许多项目都涉及前母公司以前对其全球子公司做出的担保。
3、Although her art has an innocent earnestness and folkloric affinity, Lomas Garza's expression is neither naive nor instinctive.───尽管她的艺术天真、诚挚并与民间艺术有极深的渊源,洛玛斯·加扎的表现手法却绝不幼稚也并不是仅仅出于本能。
4、Gieve was getting the same message as Lomas: Lehman was at risk of going down.───基弗接到的消息与洛马斯相同:雷曼有倒塌的风险。
5、The Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter, is being logged despite its protected status.───在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,虽然该地区属保护区,但还是未能免遭PoHuai。
6、While Lomas was beavering away a dejected Diamond was going for dinner with his wife and daughter in Manhattan.───当洛马斯在拼命工作的时候,在曼哈顿,神情沮丧的戴蒙德正和妻子女儿一起前去吃饭。
7、Lomas spent Monday trying to find a way of paying 5, 500 Lehman staff, as its funds had been swept to New York on Friday night.───周一,洛马斯用了整整一天时间竭力寻找支付整个雷曼公司5500名员工薪水的办法。因为就在周五晚上,雷曼的资金已经全部被席卷到了纽约。
8、Illegal logging is destroying the Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where millions of monarch butterflies spend the winter.───在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,而非法砍伐严重PoHuai了该地区的生态平衡。
1、Lomas, for instance, finds his pleasure in wishful thinking about the war.
2、The biggest name is left tackle Lomas Brown, who came from Detroit.
3、Bankers now average an hour and a half at table in a sushi restaurant in the swanky Lomas de Chapultepec district and rarely drink more than a glass of sake, the manager says.
4、It was 2pm and Lomas and his hit squad from PWC were already combing the floors of Lehman's headquarters at Canary Wharf.