2、Pick up an economics textbook (mine would be a fine choice), and you might find yourself learning more than you imagined.───挑选一本经济学教材(我那本就是一个不错的选择),你或许发现你正在学习的东西超乎你的想象。
3、The professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook.───教授对难点的澄清帮助他顺利地理解课文。
4、She wrote a textbook on international law.───她写了一本国际法的教科书。
5、You might be able to brainstorm ideas rather than write a list, or do some research on the computer rather than writing in a textbook.───与其列下条条框框,不如集思广益。与其在电脑上做研究不如在课本上书写。
6、All the other conditions were equal between the two groups(as well as classes): the same teacher, textbook and length of class time, etc.───两个组在任课教师,教材,授课时间等方面都相同,唯一的区别在于采用了不同的教学方法。
7、Looking at other books before deciding which might be of use to you is particularly important when buying a textbook for your course.───在认定某本书是否对自己有用前要翻一翻其他同类书,这在你为自己选购某一课程的教材时尤其重要。
8、Since there was no textbook for the course, his students had to take detailed notes of everything the professor said.───由于这个课程没有课本,学生们只好详细记录教授的讲课内容。
9、new textbook is in course of preparation.───新的教科书正在准备之中。
1、I hope the textbook will provide a foothold for students of the subject.
1、text books───教材(textbook的复数)
2、rent book───租金簿
4、text book───课本,教科书
1、I gave the textbook back to him.───我把课本还给他了。
2、Pick up an economics textbook (mine would be a fine choice), and you might find yourself learning more than you imagined.───挑选一本经济学教材(我那本就是一个不错的选择),你或许发现你正在学习的东西超乎你的想象。
3、The professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook.───教授对难点的澄清帮助他顺利地理解课文。
4、She wrote a textbook on international law.───她写了一本国际法的教科书。
5、You might be able to brainstorm ideas rather than write a list, or do some research on the computer rather than writing in a textbook.───与其列下条条框框,不如集思广益。与其在电脑上做研究不如在课本上书写。
6、All the other conditions were equal between the two groups(as well as classes): the same teacher, textbook and length of class time, etc.───两个组在任课教师,教材,授课时间等方面都相同,唯一的区别在于采用了不同的教学方法。
7、Looking at other books before deciding which might be of use to you is particularly important when buying a textbook for your course.───在认定某本书是否对自己有用前要翻一翻其他同类书,这在你为自己选购某一课程的教材时尤其重要。
8、Since there was no textbook for the course, his students had to take detailed notes of everything the professor said.───由于这个课程没有课本,学生们只好详细记录教授的讲课内容。
9、new textbook is in course of preparation.───新的教科书正在准备之中。
1、I hope the textbook will provide a foothold for students of the subject.