1、He was a sleek, short man with a bright bald-head, pink face, and gold-rimmed glasses.───他身材矮小,穿着时髦,头光秃,面粉红,戴一副金丝边眼镜。
2、Lacouture probed with more questions, his pink face growing sober.───拉古秋又追问了一些问题,他那粉红色的脸越来越清醒。
3、She gently waved goodbye to him, her long hair blown by a sudden breeze revealing half a pink face and a moist eye.───当她轻轻挥手与心爱的人作别,此刻微风乍起,轻扬起她长长的黑发,遮住那半边淡红的脸颊和一只微微湿润的眼。
4、Beads of moisture stood out all over his pink face. His powers of sweating were extraordinary.───他的红红的脸上尽是挂着汗珠,他出汗的本领特别。
5、Roosevelt' s mobile pink face turned grave and tired again, and coughed, glancing at his wife.───罗斯福表情多变的发红的脸再次显出严肃和疲倦的样子,他开始咳嗽,看了他妻子一眼。
6、He (has) a large pink face, not much neck, small watery blue eyes, and thick blonde hair.───他有一张粉红色的银盘大脸,脖子很短,一对水汪汪的蓝眼睛,浓密的金发。
7、He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head.───他有一张大大的,粉红色的脸庞,几乎没有颈根,小小的眼睛,浓密的金色头发柔顺地贴在他肥肥的脑门上。
8、Peach flowers and pink face shone on each other.───桃花和粉红色的脸互相照耀。
pink face(英语使用场景)
1、His pink face, beneath a mass of snow-white hair, which when his peruke was off was a venerable sight, is increasingly both benevolent and majestic.
2、Orange hair, pink face, blue eyes.
3、Sew the hat brim on to the join between the pink face and yellow hat.
pink face(意思翻译)
pink face(相似词语短语)
1、coral pink───珊瑚色;浅珊瑚红;珊瑚粉红色;珊瑚红
3、face to face───面对面; 相对
4、purplish pink───紫粉红色
5、pink arm───粉红色手臂
6、pink tiger───粉红虎
7、face by face───面对面地
8、eryngium pink───杏红
pink face(双语使用场景)
1、He was a sleek, short man with a bright bald-head, pink face, and gold-rimmed glasses.───他身材矮小,穿着时髦,头光秃,面粉红,戴一副金丝边眼镜。
2、Lacouture probed with more questions, his pink face growing sober.───拉古秋又追问了一些问题,他那粉红色的脸越来越清醒。
3、She gently waved goodbye to him, her long hair blown by a sudden breeze revealing half a pink face and a moist eye.───当她轻轻挥手与心爱的人作别,此刻微风乍起,轻扬起她长长的黑发,遮住那半边淡红的脸颊和一只微微湿润的眼。
4、Beads of moisture stood out all over his pink face. His powers of sweating were extraordinary.───他的红红的脸上尽是挂着汗珠,他出汗的本领特别。
5、Roosevelt' s mobile pink face turned grave and tired again, and coughed, glancing at his wife.───罗斯福表情多变的发红的脸再次显出严肃和疲倦的样子,他开始咳嗽,看了他妻子一眼。
6、He (has) a large pink face, not much neck, small watery blue eyes, and thick blonde hair.───他有一张粉红色的银盘大脸,脖子很短,一对水汪汪的蓝眼睛,浓密的金发。
7、He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head.───他有一张大大的,粉红色的脸庞,几乎没有颈根,小小的眼睛,浓密的金色头发柔顺地贴在他肥肥的脑门上。
8、Peach flowers and pink face shone on each other.───桃花和粉红色的脸互相照耀。
pink face(英语使用场景)
1、His pink face, beneath a mass of snow-white hair, which when his peruke was off was a venerable sight, is increasingly both benevolent and majestic.
2、Orange hair, pink face, blue eyes.
3、Sew the hat brim on to the join between the pink face and yellow hat.