1、Biodegradation ways, mechanism and kinetics of alkanes, cyclanes and arenes are reviewed, and the influences of temperature, nutrients, oxygen and salinity on biodegradation are analyzed.───综述了微生物对链烷烃、环烷烃和芳香烃的降解途径、机理和降解动力学,分析了温度、营养物质、氧及盐度等非生物因素对降解作用的影响。
1、Biodegradation ways, mechanism and kinetics of alkanes, cyclanes and arenes are reviewed, and the influences of temperature, nutrients, oxygen and salinity on biodegradation are analyzed.
1、anticyclone rain───反气旋雨
2、beneficent cycle───受益循环
3、nostril cycle───鼻孔周期
4、product life cycle───[工经]产品寿命周期
5、cyclopaedia chambers───百科全书室
6、cyclonic vs anticyclonic───气旋与反气旋
7、cycloidal drive assembly───摆线针轮传动总成
8、cyclop eye───独眼
9、cyclical ketogenic diet───周期性生酮饮食
10、cycloscopy for uterine───ZiGong环镜检查
1、Biodegradation ways, mechanism and kinetics of alkanes, cyclanes and arenes are reviewed, and the influences of temperature, nutrients, oxygen and salinity on biodegradation are analyzed.───综述了微生物对链烷烃、环烷烃和芳香烃的降解途径、机理和降解动力学,分析了温度、营养物质、氧及盐度等非生物因素对降解作用的影响。
1、Biodegradation ways, mechanism and kinetics of alkanes, cyclanes and arenes are reviewed, and the influences of temperature, nutrients, oxygen and salinity on biodegradation are analyzed.