1、The blind fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.───这里的盲目暴怒是指神话人物阿特洛波斯;这是命运剪断了生命悬线的细线。
2、The rope should be tied so it doesn't dangle low enough to be stepped over but not be so high or tight that the horse's head is restricted.───绳应该栓紧才不会往下掉让马踏在绳上,也不应该栓得太高或太紧让马头受到限制。
3、Electrical cords and a clothesline dangle overhead. They pull out a small table for meals they cook on a burner.───电线和晾衣绳就在头顶晃荡,他们用炉子做饭,吃饭的时候就支起一张小桌子。
4、It's bait she'll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude.───她会挂出诱饵看你是不是会上当,通常会以软磨硬泡的方式。
5、Paul sat down on the edge of the swimming pool to dangle his feet in the water.───保罗坐在游泳池边沿上,把双脚放在水中摆动。
6、A feature of these is the Filipino variation on the Mexican pinata: a bamboo frame from which dangle packages of sweets, fruit, and toys on strings.───其中一个特色是菲律宾版的墨西哥皮纳塔:一个竹制的架子,上面用绳子挂着一包包的糖、水果和玩具。
7、They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch it clear away.───他们在我们眼前炫示希望,然后将它一把夺走。
8、He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth.───他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。
9、It may need to dangle some of its cash before investors in order for others to see it as cheap.───也许谷歌得拿出一部分现金来鼓励一下投资者,才能让他们感觉到公司的股价还算便宜。
1、The blind fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.───这里的盲目暴怒是指神话人物阿特洛波斯;这是命运剪断了生命悬线的细线。
2、The rope should be tied so it doesn't dangle low enough to be stepped over but not be so high or tight that the horse's head is restricted.───绳应该栓紧才不会往下掉让马踏在绳上,也不应该栓得太高或太紧让马头受到限制。
3、Electrical cords and a clothesline dangle overhead. They pull out a small table for meals they cook on a burner.───电线和晾衣绳就在头顶晃荡,他们用炉子做饭,吃饭的时候就支起一张小桌子。
4、It's bait she'll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude.───她会挂出诱饵看你是不是会上当,通常会以软磨硬泡的方式。
5、Paul sat down on the edge of the swimming pool to dangle his feet in the water.───保罗坐在游泳池边沿上,把双脚放在水中摆动。
6、A feature of these is the Filipino variation on the Mexican pinata: a bamboo frame from which dangle packages of sweets, fruit, and toys on strings.───其中一个特色是菲律宾版的墨西哥皮纳塔:一个竹制的架子,上面用绳子挂着一包包的糖、水果和玩具。
7、They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch it clear away.───他们在我们眼前炫示希望,然后将它一把夺走。
8、He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth.───他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。
9、It may need to dangle some of its cash before investors in order for others to see it as cheap.───也许谷歌得拿出一部分现金来鼓励一下投资者,才能让他们感觉到公司的股价还算便宜。