1、slurry can be removing into the absorber pit through the trench.───浆液通过沟道被送到吸收塔排水坑。
2、Thus, snakes detect infrared signals through a mechanism involving radiant heating of the pit organ, rather than photochemical transduction, says the study.───因此,蛇类通过陷窝器进行辐射供热的结构来探测红外信号,而不是靠光化学转换。”研究显示。
3、you will often hear talk of cars ‘overtaking in the pitlane’ (meaning a car gaining track position through a better pit stop compared to a rival) this is a matter of race strategy.───我们常常听到“维修区超车”这一说法(即通过更优的停站超越对手),那更多的是一种赛车策略。
pit through(意思翻译)
pit through(相似词语短语)
1、articular pit───关节窝
2、quoit pit───quoit坑
3、pit y───vt.对……表示怜悯;对……感到同情;n.怜悯,同情;遗憾
4、ciliated pit───[医]纤毛窝
6、commissure pit───连合坑
8、pit against───v.使竞争;使与…相斗
9、snake pit───n.疯人院;蛇窖;n.疯人院,蛇窖
pit through(双语使用场景)
1、slurry can be removing into the absorber pit through the trench.───浆液通过沟道被送到吸收塔排水坑。
2、Thus, snakes detect infrared signals through a mechanism involving radiant heating of the pit organ, rather than photochemical transduction, says the study.───因此,蛇类通过陷窝器进行辐射供热的结构来探测红外信号,而不是靠光化学转换。”研究显示。
3、you will often hear talk of cars ‘overtaking in the pitlane’ (meaning a car gaining track position through a better pit stop compared to a rival) this is a matter of race strategy.───我们常常听到“维修区超车”这一说法(即通过更优的停站超越对手),那更多的是一种赛车策略。