1、Tom Serani's boss had grown frustrated that while Mr. Serani was on the road, his 20 salespeople working the phones back at company headquarters did not have the same zip as when he was in the office.───汤姆·塞兰尼的老板越来越失望,因为塞兰尼到处奔走时,他在公司总部守着电话的20名推销员不像他在办公室时那样有活力。
2、The Road to Perdition was a cold, implacable gangster movie, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Tom Hanks, Jude Law and Daniel Craig.───毁灭之路 (The Road Perdition)是一部冷酷,桀骜不驯的歹徒电影,由萨姆·门德斯 (Sam Mendes)执导,参演的明星包括汤姆·汉克斯,逑德·劳和丹尼尔·克雷格。
3、Take it easy, Tom. The road is too icy.───别着急,汤姆。路太滑了。
4、On the road Wednesday morning, the snow began to thin, which meant Tom could abandon his clumsy snowshoes.───周三早走在路上时,积雪开始变薄了。 这意味着汤姆终于可以摆脱掉笨重的雪鞋。
tom the road(意思翻译)
tom the road(相似词语短语)
1、crossing the road───过马路
3、the road to───通向……之路
4、the road───[电影]末日危途;《路》
5、tom the toad───蟾蜍汤姆
6、hit the road───v.开始流浪; 上路; 出发; 滚吧(俚语);开始流浪,上路
7、of the road───路的尽头
8、the old road───老路
9、tom the call───汤姆接到电话了
tom the road(双语使用场景)
1、Tom Serani's boss had grown frustrated that while Mr. Serani was on the road, his 20 salespeople working the phones back at company headquarters did not have the same zip as when he was in the office.───汤姆·塞兰尼的老板越来越失望,因为塞兰尼到处奔走时,他在公司总部守着电话的20名推销员不像他在办公室时那样有活力。
2、The Road to Perdition was a cold, implacable gangster movie, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Tom Hanks, Jude Law and Daniel Craig.───毁灭之路 (The Road Perdition)是一部冷酷,桀骜不驯的歹徒电影,由萨姆·门德斯 (Sam Mendes)执导,参演的明星包括汤姆·汉克斯,逑德·劳和丹尼尔·克雷格。
3、Take it easy, Tom. The road is too icy.───别着急,汤姆。路太滑了。
4、On the road Wednesday morning, the snow began to thin, which meant Tom could abandon his clumsy snowshoes.───周三早走在路上时,积雪开始变薄了。 这意味着汤姆终于可以摆脱掉笨重的雪鞋。