9、make the best of it───(在遭受失败或不幸时)尽力把损失减少到最小;在不利情况下尽力而为,勉为其难;尽力而为,善处逆境;不顺心时随遇而安,遇到麻烦时能泰然处之
make the acquaintance of(双语使用场景)
1、I was lucky to make the acquaintance of two young poets at the Reading Club.───在读书俱乐部我很幸运地认识了两位青年诗人。
2、It is very interesting to make the acquaintance of this country and its culture.───了解这个国家和它的文化是很有趣的事。
3、You will make the acquaintance of many new people now and your present friends will also play a much bigger role in your life.───您将会使许多新的人现在和你现在的朋友相识也将在您的生活中发挥更大的作用。
4、They took me by the hand and led me outside to make the acquaintance of a bear which their father was rearing on the farm.───他们牵住我的手把我带到外面去见他们的父亲在农场里豢养的熊。
5、The partners rotate over the course of the evening, allowing participants to make the acquaintance of many potential partners.───这些伴侣重复着晚会的经过,同时允许参与者认识多个潜在的伴侣。
6、At that time, I don't like you, maybe because of I don't bold to you make the acquaintance of you.───那时,我不喜欢你,也许是因为你的大胆使我不敢与你结识。
make the acquaintance of(英语使用场景)
1、Exalted girls hung out at back stages and at hotels, trying to make the acquaintance of new born stars.
2、When did you make the acquaintance of his brother?
3、Yes, you really must make the acquaintance of your great-uncle.
4、Elizabeth and Jane make the acquaintance of two prosperous gentlemen, the affable Mr Bingley and his cold friend, Darcy.
make the acquaintance of(意思翻译)
make the acquaintance of(相似词语短语)
1、acquaintance with───相识
2、make of───用…做成; 理解; 明白; 使某人发展成为
3、make the best of things───v.随遇而安
4、nodding acquaintance───相识不深的人;不完整或肤浅的知识;n.不完整或肤浅的知识,相识不深的人
5、make the───使
6、make the use of───利用
8、make the most of───尽量利用;十分重视;充分利用
9、make the best of it───(在遭受失败或不幸时)尽力把损失减少到最小;在不利情况下尽力而为,勉为其难;尽力而为,善处逆境;不顺心时随遇而安,遇到麻烦时能泰然处之
make the acquaintance of(双语使用场景)
1、I was lucky to make the acquaintance of two young poets at the Reading Club.───在读书俱乐部我很幸运地认识了两位青年诗人。
2、It is very interesting to make the acquaintance of this country and its culture.───了解这个国家和它的文化是很有趣的事。
3、You will make the acquaintance of many new people now and your present friends will also play a much bigger role in your life.───您将会使许多新的人现在和你现在的朋友相识也将在您的生活中发挥更大的作用。
4、They took me by the hand and led me outside to make the acquaintance of a bear which their father was rearing on the farm.───他们牵住我的手把我带到外面去见他们的父亲在农场里豢养的熊。
5、The partners rotate over the course of the evening, allowing participants to make the acquaintance of many potential partners.───这些伴侣重复着晚会的经过,同时允许参与者认识多个潜在的伴侣。
6、At that time, I don't like you, maybe because of I don't bold to you make the acquaintance of you.───那时,我不喜欢你,也许是因为你的大胆使我不敢与你结识。
make the acquaintance of(英语使用场景)
1、Exalted girls hung out at back stages and at hotels, trying to make the acquaintance of new born stars.
2、When did you make the acquaintance of his brother?
3、Yes, you really must make the acquaintance of your great-uncle.
4、Elizabeth and Jane make the acquaintance of two prosperous gentlemen, the affable Mr Bingley and his cold friend, Darcy.