1、Overview: the series high-voltage experimental kettle of the GSH type USES the drives of permanent magnetic coupling with the annular rare earth, with big mixing torque, static sealing and no leakage.───概述:gsh型系列高压实验釜采用环形稀土永磁耦合驱动器,搅拌力矩大,具有静密封、无泄漏的特点。
2、functions of the mixing equipment are mixing, heat transferring, solid-liquid suspension, etc. in the mash kettle.───糖化锅中的搅拌装置起混合、传热、固液悬浮等作用。
mixing kettle(意思翻译)
mixing kettle(相似词语短语)
1、red kettle───红水壶
2、electric kettle───[电]电热水壶;电气热水壶,电热水壶
4、mixing tank───混匀缸,搅拌槽;混合槽;配料仓
5、whistling kettle───n.呜笛水壶;鸣笛水壶
6、mixing ratio───[航][气象]混合比;混合比,混合比例
8、tea kettle───茶壶;平底茶壶;[医]茶壶
9、mixing bowl───搅拌钵;混料罐;公路交叉点;n.搅拌碗;搅拌钵
mixing kettle(双语使用场景)
1、Overview: the series high-voltage experimental kettle of the GSH type USES the drives of permanent magnetic coupling with the annular rare earth, with big mixing torque, static sealing and no leakage.───概述:gsh型系列高压实验釜采用环形稀土永磁耦合驱动器,搅拌力矩大,具有静密封、无泄漏的特点。
2、functions of the mixing equipment are mixing, heat transferring, solid-liquid suspension, etc. in the mash kettle.───糖化锅中的搅拌装置起混合、传热、固液悬浮等作用。