1、Thousands of spectators gather at a bullring in Mexico City, where matadors and vaqueros, or cowboys, provide a show for the audience.───数千名观众聚集在墨西哥城的斗牛场观看斗牛士、牧童或牛仔的表演。
2、Madrid: a bullfighter performs during a bullfight at the Las Ventas Bullring.───马德里:一个斗牛士在拉斯班塔斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。
3、Some of the towers were built in the city's bullring. Others were constructed in the streets.───一部分队伍在该城的斗牛场“建筑”人塔,其他队伍则在街道上叠人塔。
4、Because of its decadence , few want to understand the art taking place in the bullring.───鉴于这个原因,很少有人愿意去理解斗牛场中发生的这种艺术。
5、Spanish rejoneador or mounted bullfighter Sergio Galan performs during his bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.───西班牙马背斗牛士塞尔吉奥·JiaLan在马德里的拉斯维加斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。
6、A curving patch of sunshine lies across the sand on the east side of the bullring: the Plaza de Toros in Madrid.───一片弧形的阳光照在斗牛场场地东侧的沙地上,这儿是马德里斗牛场。
7、Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville .───在塞维尔马艾斯特兰扎斗牛场,西班牙斗牛士丹尼尔·卢克ShaSi一头公牛。
8、UP IN THE AIR: Spanish matador Oliva Soto went flying during a bullfight in the Maestranza bullring in Seville, Spain, Monday.───刚收到的:西班牙斗牛士奥利瓦索托了在飞行期间在西班牙塞维利亚斗牛场斗牛星期一玛埃斯特朗。
9、The danger is past -- for the runners at least -- when the bulls are herdedsintosthe bullring.───公牛被赶进斗牛场后,危机就解除了—至少对奔跑者而言。
1、banded bullfrog───带状牛蛙
2、bullfinch pub───牛头雀酒吧
3、bullace water───布拉斯水
4、bulldoze it───推平它
5、bully world───欺凌世界
6、bully story───恶霸故事
7、swaged bullets sale───廉价ZiDan销售
8、ebullition shirt───沸腾衬衫
9、bulletin board ideas───布告栏创意
10、bullfrog spas───牛蛙温泉
1、Thousands of spectators gather at a bullring in Mexico City, where matadors and vaqueros, or cowboys, provide a show for the audience.───数千名观众聚集在墨西哥城的斗牛场观看斗牛士、牧童或牛仔的表演。
2、Madrid: a bullfighter performs during a bullfight at the Las Ventas Bullring.───马德里:一个斗牛士在拉斯班塔斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。
3、Some of the towers were built in the city's bullring. Others were constructed in the streets.───一部分队伍在该城的斗牛场“建筑”人塔,其他队伍则在街道上叠人塔。
4、Because of its decadence , few want to understand the art taking place in the bullring.───鉴于这个原因,很少有人愿意去理解斗牛场中发生的这种艺术。
5、Spanish rejoneador or mounted bullfighter Sergio Galan performs during his bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.───西班牙马背斗牛士塞尔吉奥·JiaLan在马德里的拉斯维加斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。
6、A curving patch of sunshine lies across the sand on the east side of the bullring: the Plaza de Toros in Madrid.───一片弧形的阳光照在斗牛场场地东侧的沙地上,这儿是马德里斗牛场。
7、Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville .───在塞维尔马艾斯特兰扎斗牛场,西班牙斗牛士丹尼尔·卢克ShaSi一头公牛。
8、UP IN THE AIR: Spanish matador Oliva Soto went flying during a bullfight in the Maestranza bullring in Seville, Spain, Monday.───刚收到的:西班牙斗牛士奥利瓦索托了在飞行期间在西班牙塞维利亚斗牛场斗牛星期一玛埃斯特朗。
9、The danger is past -- for the runners at least -- when the bulls are herdedsintosthe bullring.───公牛被赶进斗牛场后,危机就解除了—至少对奔跑者而言。